Purple (紫, murasaki), culturally, is a color of high prestige, as it is the color of the highest rank in many countries and the color of the robe that Christ wore at the end of his life.
On the other hand, it is also a color that gives an eerie and mysterious impression to those who see it, such as being the color that Confucius hated, the symbolic color of homosexuality (for being the 'mysterious' color between red and blue), and the color of the hakama of Sanyutei Enraku VI on the TV program Shoten.
It is not uncommon for ghetto cuisine appearing in anime to be tinged with purple. It is commonly called purple food or purple object.
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紫とは (ムラサキとは) [単語記事] - ニコニコ大百科 (NicoNico Encyclopedia)