LeoⅠ of Rome on the east side of the head when Romania was completely divided east and west
- Figure of Constantinople (imagine)
Construction of the Roman Empire is that technology development should have been Christ of course survive in Byzantine · BC was possible that the complex already houses Insura should be called the founder of the apartment.
(Osodokusu has been to imagine an alternate set) two imperial cities
- Siege of the Byzantine city of HundredYearsWar era
Streets of Rome after the capture of such east in 1453 due to "Ottoman", has been thoroughly destroyed. Is the present town of "Islamic style" Istanbul, the former seem to have been the needle first group to the entire harbor walls. Compartment is destroyed by development of the Ottoman.
In the atmosphere I think is a "super giant Kremlin" and do not say now.
In the atlas of European countries to clearly stateConstantinople that Turkey of Istanbul, even now.
On the east side of the Roman Empire known as the nation was split into east and west. Rome of the second "Christmillennium" "" "NewRome (NairRoaming)" "RomanEmpireMiddleAges" Byzantine "EmpireByzantine" "EmpireTheGreek", such as large population from the nickname anyway multiracial" was the principal "PeopleGreek. Survived to greet the destruction in 1453 from the capital to 395 years Constantinople, over a thousand years.
There are no diplomatic relations more than a thousand years
"This Roman Empire" is a small literature with the intention Europe is a country with the world more than 1000 years, but did not have diplomatic relations. , Moreover, such as Islamic or incorporated the "territory" gradually, and eventually was destroyed completely in the "EmpireTheOttoman". Convey to the present, this civilization had been destroyed crazy-renewal in Islamic style to survive so well over 500 years of OttomanEmpire and another civilization.
Confidentiality principle empire
Details on the status and governance culture has been shrouded in mystery even now because it was this principle "confidential" means "RomanEmpire" and. Prototype of the mosque that was built Islam to the model the church of the Byzantine era just exactly.
Current to leave the remnants of Byzantine began the Russia of EasternEurope especially Osodokusu and architecture Church like Kremlin is a city fort. (Byzantine is not so complete has been the interpretation of local people own much but still)
Home of the church Osodokusu
EasternRomanEmpire was the greatest Patron of the OrthodoxChurch Christ is said to be profane. I think that once their impact is now and can not be compared, and seems to have been as a "StateReligion" of the RomanEmpire.
Also extinct (RomanEmperor) the HeadofRome, the Spiritual Authority to lead the OrthodoxChurch by all this disappeared at the same time as the Destruction of Rome that Christ is "representative of God and Christ on Earth" but.