Henkei Shoujo (変形少女) is a short Anime based around characters transforming into certain machines. The plot focuses on Haru, Rin, Itsuki, Nana and Arisa transforming into machines as Tomoyo watches them.
Refer to the article List of Henkei Shoujo Characters (変形少女のキャラクター一覧).
- Haru (CV - Ichimichi, Mao)
- Rin (CV - Enako)
- Itsuki (CV - Hanazawa, Kana)
- Nana (CV - Aoi, Sola)
- Arisa (CV - Michishige, Sayumi)
- Tomoyo (CV - Unknown)
A Manga was released in Sep 27, 2017 Called Henkei Shoujo: School☆Days (変形少女 school☆days) in which the plot focuses on the same girls in the real world.
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