メタボンの楽園by横着スナ(みりんご)CharacterMemorin0Memorin is fashionable. She is a fictional species of UgoChara.0EditEdit History3,98800Last updated: 3602 days agoReport a problemCreate an article in JapaneseMemorin is a fictional species of UgoChara. She is fashionable.Contents1 Other Information1.1 Birthday1.2 Gender1.3 Symbol Color2 Related Tags3 Articles in other languagesOther InformationBirthdayJanuary 5, 2009GenderFemaleSymbol ColorPretty PinkRelated TagsUgoChara Ugomaru MetabonArticles in other languagesメモリンRelated ArticlesParent ArticleUgoCharaSibling ArticleUgomaruMetabonUsoCharaCommentsComment field is empty