The story takes place 9 years after the world has entered the "1.048596" Divergence Point. Kaito Yashio is a student who enjoys fighting games who enrolled into his school's robot club. The story begins when the protagonist finds out that one of Robotics;Notes' main heroines is actually a genius programmer who created the game engine for a world renowned fighting game. The main character then decides that he wants to create a robot based around command inputs and motion capture technology. He decides to go to the karate club to look for someone to perform the motion capture sequences.
- Kaito Yashio(CV:Ryohei Kimura)
- Akiho Senomiya(CV:Yoshino Nanjou)
- Subaru Hidaka(CV:Yoshimasa Hosoya)
- Frau Kojiro(CV:Kaori Nazuka)
- Junna Daitoku(CV:Sora Tokui)
- Airi(CV:Rie Kugimiya)