GeneralTouch0Contacting when one body part comes into contact with another body surface.0EditEdit History6740261Last updated: 541 days agoReport a problem日本語Contents1 Overview2 Article in JapaneseOverviewContacting when one body part comes into contact with another body surface (most refer to skin).Article in Japanese触覚Related ArticlesParent ArticleFive SensesChild ArticleSense of PainSibling ArticleSense of TasteCommentsComment field is emptyShow 0 commentsIllustrations on pixivShow allミーティング夏田ぴよ統合戦略むしおあけおめ2024夏田ぴよ13 - Foxjoexx無題夏田ぴよTouch Memakomamuおれたち双子❗️夏田ぴよTouchDaisyTails昭和風ボブ華みんYuka nittaUniVoyar💫奇跡の数学いもけんぴ🏐夏田ぴよTouchArya Jaeger双子の王子夏田ぴよ🥊夏田ぴよ上杉兄弟夏田ぴよにしむら いさみ 西村勇幽凡儿応援団📣夏田ぴよ無題El'See more