Triple "J" Idol
Triple “J” Idol is a fictional series that revolves around a group of Jewish girl who were raised in Japan and aspire to become idols. The story is set in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and follows the main character, Anna Taira, along with her childhood friends, as they navigate the challenges and triumphs of the idol industry.
The idols there sing like goddesses. They are a newly established idol group, so they don't have much experience or history, but the members have a strong bond and solidarity. They aim to grow into a unit that can rival STAR★GIRLS and Queens.
Anna Taira
The protagonist, a Jewish girl adopted by a Japanese couple. She is known for her positive attitude, strong sense of community, and dedication to her Jewish heritage. Anna is the leader of the idol group Déesse, which means “goddess” in French.
Hikari Haruna
Anna’s childhood friend, known for her bright personality and piano skills. She often plays during synagogue services.
Megumi Kawahara
Another childhood friend, she is energetic and athletic, often bringing a lively spirit to the group.
Kana Fujiwara
A serious and diligent girl who is strict with herself and others, always striving for perfection.
Ritsu Kabe
Known for her tsundere personality, she is skilled in costume design and has a sharp tongue but a kind heart.
Emi Saeki
A talented dancer from Edogawa, she speaks in a unique Edo dialect and brings a dynamic presence to the group.
Chou Yamanashi
The motherly figure of the group, originally from Kyoto, she is known for her caring nature and traditional Kyoto dialect.