Time Gal (タイムギャル, Taimu Gyaru) is Taito's third LaserDisc animation game, following Ninja Hayate and a Space Battleship Yamato game.
The film follows [[Reika>Reika (Time Gal), aka Time Gal, an ace of the Space Time Security Police, as she tracks down the villain Luda, who has robbed a time machine, while avoiding various accidents that occur in the era to which she is going.
In addition to the Space Battleship Yamato mentioned above, it is said to have been influenced by Space Ace, which is in the vein of Dragon's Lair (the influence can be seen in the near-future science fiction worldview, the way the mastermind of the enemy laughs when he makes mistakes, and the depiction of combat using a small space fighter. The battle scenes with small fighter planes in this film were partially appropriated from Yamato).