Office Anemone
Office Anemone (オフィスアネモネ) is an entertainment agency that manages voice actors.
Office Anemone (オフィスアネモネ) was originally a private office built by Kikuko Inoue and her sister Yayoi Sekimoto.
The name of the office, "Anemone" (アネモネ), is said to be a pun on "older sister" (姉もね, Anemone), probably a pun on the real older sister (実姉, jisshi) Yayoi and the "older sister" (お姉ちゃん, onēchan) Kikuko, older sister being what Kikuko is referred as coming from her role as Kasumi Tendo.
The number of voice actors belonging to the company is currently increasing, although it is still small.
All of the voice actors are female, and Kikuko Inoue's own daughter is also a member.