ある!by加奈MangaAnimeCharacter王耀0Wang Yao, he is a character who represent China in Hetalia.0EditEdit History5,641023,441Last updated: 4653 days agoReport a problemCreate an article in JapaneseWang Yao(王耀)is the name of China in the manga called Hetalia.he is voiced by Yuki Kaida.Please refer to Wang Yao.Related ArticlesParent ArticleWang YaoCommentsComment field is emptyIllustrations on pixivShow allあじあ 子あじあちゃん采配くにみつヘタログ5こよし2【ヘタリア】じじい詰合せタオル【APH】香は何考えてるかわからないあるMM-MB東亜細亜の春罪・ギルティ