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This article will explain Jisariz from Sentika F8ABA6 Jisariz. This includes his personality, forms, weapons, and abilities.
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Played by Masahiro Inoue


Jisariz is the eponymous character of the show. He's a very disturbed individual, taking pleasure in killing Ayuka. Jisariz is cold, distant, sadistic, persistent, and smart. With the use of a phone he can turn into his Sentika form. Jisariz is very notable for being cunning, intelligent, and defiant.

Jisariz can travel to other Worlds, which he does to help Ayuka return to her world, and to save it. He transports her by killing her, often saying "Goodnight" before or after.

Despite his rude behavior towards Ayuka, he clearly cares about her, only showing this later on. He knows more than he leads on and isn't well liked by the other Sentika. In Kill 12 he strangely dies, presumably killed by the mysterious purple Sentika seen at the end of the episode.


Sentika Jisariz is his base form. It's strong and uses a scythe that can be split from the top to reveal a spear underneath that later becomes his preferred weapon.

He can summon his weapon by pushing a device on his wrist, and by pushing it again he can activate his finishing move, a energized and quick slash with his scythe. Alternatively he can push it again to go at insane speeds. During his fight against Yabai Kamen he changed day to night.

Jisariz also has the ability to die and come back by "forcibly trimming himself". It's unknown how this works, if other Sentika can do it, or what the repercussions of it are. This was only seen once when he was defeated by Vanitas.

Defect Jisariz編集

Defect Jisariz is the upgraded version of Jisariz seen at the end of Kill 11 and used in Kill 12 to defeat Desìr. Like this he gains wings, a elongated body with no undersuit, instead being a mass of armor, and new abilities. It doesn't seem to be a form he can freely change into.

Defect Jisariz can fly, gains a massive strength boost, his spear being able to knock back Desìr quite far and powerfully, disperse his body to avoid damage, and create a glowing ball of energy from his eye that can be used to damage opponents. His tricky and sadistic nature matches this form.


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