くないby古代の魔物GeneralAnimeMangaKunai0A Japanese tool and weapon, possibly derived from the masonry trowel, used as a weapon by ninja or samurai.0EditEdit History8330325Last updated: 676 days agoReport a problem日本語A Japanese tool and weapon, possibly derived from the masonry trowel, used as a weapon by ninja or samurai.Related ArticlesParent ArticleWeaponSibling ArticleGunSwordTankPile BunkerBowSpearKnifeWhipScytheSurface-to-air missileSee moreCommentsComment field is emptyIllustrations on pixivShow allKirikoflatwaniIbuki and her Tanuki (Sketch)johnnysinsmiraibintirosdiputeri baby aisKunoichi - Samurai WarriorsJesterDKKunaiLoliGrenadeGreninja - Up Smash!ButterKyoko - Blossom RiverObscured TitanShalia and KunaikandlinMishkaLouie