I ambyhachiGeneralThing0Thing (物, シング) refers to any object that someone can perceive and think about.0EditEdit History9100195Last updated: 591 days agoReport a problem日本語Contents1 Overview2 External Links2.1 English2.2 Japanese3 Article in Other LanguagesOverviewThing (物, シング) refers to any object that people can perceive and think about.External LinksEnglishThing - WikipediaJapanese物 - WikipediaArticle in Other Languages物Related ArticlesParent ArticleExistenceChild ArticleSituationSibling ArticleLifeEntityCommentsComment field is emptyIllustrations on pixivShow allComparativeJames FennerDigital LOGClowderTides (pt. II)James FennerAround the CornerJames FennerTo SleepJames FennerI don't actually rememberNormanWhispers From Thin AirJames FennerVulnerableJames FennerOutside ForcesJames Fenner"3D"な"2-D"Little cityToo Scared to Be HappyJames FennerInheritanceJames FennerThere Are NoneJames FennerTracing Back HistoryJames Fenner無題ヨーヨーForgotten StridesJames FennerCowerJames FennerClosureJames FennerCome Out on TopJames Fenner