This article contains discriminatory and offensive content. Read at your own discretion.
Dorei-san name comes from the word "Dorei" (奴隷, "Slave"). She carries a ankle weight on her left ankle and is shown with abnormal strength due to her hard work. She can remove the iron ball from her foot if she needs to, but if her master tries to remove it, she thinks it will be thrown away.
She has been trained in all kinds of games by her former master, and is small and resistant to most drugs due to the drugs used on her. She does not menstruate and is unable to bear children.
She has a older sister who was separated during childhood.
It's been rumored that she was seen during the construction of the pyramids. Because of this it is believed there are other Dorei-sans out there.
She has a very stoic and cold personality and always seen with a blank gaze devoid of emotion. She thinks that she is just a thing. Therefore, if her master tries to treat her as a normal person by dressing her up or giving her normal food, she thinks she will be sold.
She is well aware and experienced, and can be trusted with the work of a maid, but her slave-like behavior may cause her to behave in ways that are strange to ordinary people.
Her specialty is stewed offal and beans. Her favorite food is sugar cubes, but be careful not to give her too much or she will get overexcited. She is used to eating rough food and digesting nutrients very efficiently.
There are many people who try to bring back a sincere smile to her face, but none of them have succeeded, because even if they show affection, she takes it as a play.
Dorei's "joke" is being the only dark-skinned maid. Overseas (especially westerns) found the character in poor taste due to the racist content. Because of this her image is not used often.
Due to the offensive background of her character she has been grouped in with the Inappropriate Maids along with Yakui-san and Shitai-san.