One Piece, sometimes abbreviated as OP, is a shōnen manga by Eiichiro Oda featuring Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who became a pirate, and his quest for the "One Piece" to become the next King of the Pirates.
While it is a story that takes the high road of shōnen manga, with themes of adventure and friendship, battles, gag scenes, and moving episodes, it is also a story with a deeply developed and magnificent worldview and elaborate settings, and it is a story of war, power, territorial issues, religious issues, discrimination issues (ethnic cleansing, genocide, etc.), and various other social issues.
It is also known as a non-killing manga, in which both sides and enemies are rarely killed (except for incidents in the recollections). In some cases, characters who appeared in the past are given important positions and reappear hundreds of episodes later.
In addition, many of the characters who die continue to uphold their beliefs until the moment their lives end, and in many cases, they die a spectacular death with a smile on their face. Their overwhelming presence leaves a strong impression on viewers, and it is not unusual for characters who have long since died to be ranked high in popularity polls.