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Albedo (Genshin Impact)

Albedo is a playable Geo character in Genshin Impact.


Rarity5 Star
Constel­lationPrinceps Cretaceus
BirthdaySeptember 13th
Height5'3" / 161cm
Special DishWoodland Dream
How to obtainEvent Wish - Secretum Secretorum
AffiliationMondstadt, Knights of Favonius, Yae Publishing House
Release DateDecember 23, 2020
CVKhoi Dao (EN), Nojima Kenji 野島健児 (JP)


Albedo is a 5-star playable Sword Geo character in Genshin Impact.

A synthetic human made by the alchemist Rhinedottir, the mysterious Albedo is the Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team of the Knights of Favonius, through a recommendation from the adventurer Alice. With Sucrose (Genshin Impact) as his assistant, he holds an infinite desire to learn about the world of Teyvat, carefully studying every object around him.



Having gained fame for his alchemical talents, Albedo is a reclusive person, spending most of his time in Dragonspine. He isn't fond of most social interactions and thus rarely travels to the city of Mondstadt unless it is to meet up with his fellow alchemists or other acquaintances. Yet he's also shown to at least be fascinated or interested in them in some way, often willingly appearing in events that have some sort of social setting going on and helping out the people around him in any way he can. While he does seem to enjoy company and seeing how people interact in a social setting, he finds relationships stressful and tiresome because of the amount of effort needed to maintain them. This doesn't mean he dislikes the relationships he has with others, he simply struggles with them and can get tired out from trying to keep track of everything to keep the relationship from falling apart. He prefers being around children, especially Klee, seeing her as a younger sister. Klee (Genshin Impact) in turn sees him as an older brother figure.

Fueled by the feeling of enlightenment, he researches about the things that pique his interest, and once the feeling is gone, either by uncovering its truth or otherwise, he loses all interest, left with a bittersweet sensation in his mind. Along with his alchemical genius, Albedo is also a respectable artist. Having initially learned the talent as a way to help with his experiments, it is now a form of relaxation for him. He is Xingqiu (Genshin Impact)'s illustrator and regards him as a good author.

As much of a positive demeanor he gives off, the people of Mondstadt do not know anything about his personal life and he is particularly secretive about it towards them. To the Traveler, he does not mind sharing most of his secrets with them due to feeling a kinship of sorts as they are both not of Teyvat, him being an artificial lifeform and the Traveler a visitor from afar. He considers himself to be dangerous due to his knowledge on the Art of Khemia, something which Venti (Genshin Impact) and Dainsleif (Genshin Impact) are well too aware of.

Related illustration



Albedo09. アルベド



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