Uncle from Another World is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hotondoshindeiru. It started serialization on Kadokawa Shoten's ComicWalker in June 2018. As of September 2022, eight volumes have been released. The manga is licensed in North America by Yen Press. An anime television series adaptation by Atelier Pontdarc premiered in July 2022.
In modern-day Japan, Takafumi Takaoka picks up his uncle who recently awakened from a 17-year coma after being hit by a truck. Uncle shows the ability to use magic spells, and explains that he was actually sent to another world. Takafumi lets his uncle move in with him, and he, joined by Takafumi's childhood friend Sumika Fujimiya, spends his days helping Uncle adjust to modern society while also watching his memories of the other world.