Natsumi's Angel, Haniel, besides being able to fly and transform objects or subjects, also has the unique ability of sending things into a different dimension through a mirror similar to Kurumi's shadow dimension. While in Natsumi’s personal dimension, the objects or subjects are put into a stasis field.
Age: unknown
Code name: Witch
Spirit number: 7
Species: Spirit
Angel: Haniel
Weapon type: broom
Astral Dress: YHVH Tzabaoth
Famous quote: "Hey Shido. Am I............really cute?"
Natsumi grew up as an illegitimate child in a abusive household where her mother only used her for the secret hush money her father provided for them. Her mother refused to feed her and would always belittle her for being ugly. While she initially tried to be a good child and help out around the house, that just made her mother hate her even more, so she eventually stopped trying. Natsumi's only source of nutrition was the school lunch, which was the only the reason she went to go school to begin with. She grew to hate school because of how the other students would ignore or bully her for her dirty appearance. During the long vacation, food became a matter of life or death. Knowing that her mother would kill her for touching any of the package foodstuff, her stable food during those times was sugar and soy sauce diluted with tap water. It was a lucky day if the refrigerator has butter and margarine. Her growth was stunted from this malnutrition, which further provoked her low self esteem and negative body image.
One day, a few days after Natsumi started junior high, her mother found out that her father had recently passed away. With their only source of income gone, Natsumi's mother demanded that she do anything including prostitution to make money for her. Natsumi was furious that the same mother who would always belittle her as ugly would now demand something like this at her own convenience. She replied that it was impossible since she was ugly just like her. This caused her mother to snap and begin choking Natsumi. At that moment, Mio appeared and offered Natsumi power. Desperate to survive, Natsumi accepted and transformed into a Spirit. With her newfound power, Natsumi transformed her mother into a frog in retaliation, but stopped just short of killing her by stepping on the frog. Escaping from her childhood home on <Haniel>, Natsumi wondered in tears why she stayed in such an abusive household for so long, ultimately coming to the conclusion that she just wanted to be loved.
Like most of the Spirits, Natsumi often appears into the world through Spacequakes. However, she also sometimes appears silently without causing a Spacequake. It has been implied that Natsumi learned to control when and how she manifests, though not entirely. Reine Murasame believed that Natsumi used her power of transformation to learn about human society. However, every time she silently appeared in the world, for some reason, people would not pay attention to her. This treatment resulted in her believing that she was ugly, which had an enormous impact on her psyche. Natsumi used her powers of transformation to turn herself into her ideal self, a beautiful woman in her early twenties. With this new appearance, Natsumi thought of herself as having the perfect body to attract attention. However, deep down she still wanted others to recognize her real self.