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List of Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas Characters

List of characters from Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas.


The player's avatar is called High Guardian. At the beginning of the game, the player can choose between three races: humans, elves and dwarves. The player unlocks new skins for the High Guardian throughout the progressions, mostly its masks that replace High Guardians head.

Skins that change appearance entirely: Lord of the Spring Court, Lady of the Spring Court, Foxfolk Skin, Anniversary Regalia Outfit (goatfolk), Celestial Dragon Skin, Lapis Blue Fox (aka Lukas), High Elf Duchess, Merfolk Princess, Autumnal Druid, Specter of Straw, The Witching Hour, Hot Scales (dragon), Maid of Plenty, Lorica armor, Ms. Twilight.

Clans and Companions

Basic clans

SallyhornOvolin ♂, Nordrala ♀TankDwarf
KargCouran ♂, Valora ♀WarriorDragonborn
TravainNorgrim ♂, Nharia ♀MarksmanWood Elf
YivnianZekiel ♂, Talia ♀AssassinDark Elf
KargukGastrof ♂, Zegra ♀TankOrc
IgnisAgan ♂, Kirali ♀MageDemi-god
The LuxuriantGnassag ♂, Thessala ♀MageDemon (sub-race Lilin)
ZaessShallar ♂, Elyria ♀MageHigh Elf
UgrullDumarg ♂, Sharn ♀WarriorOrc
ElzedithZethe ♂, Fenya ♀MarksmanDark Elf
AesonKarling ♂, Alysia ♀MageHuman
DoombringerVasholo ♂, Veshana ♀WarriorDemon
FulgurOsakwe ♂, Nneka ♀MageDemi-god
LionstoneEldwin ♂, Ellena ♀TankHuman
HuntsdorfVendrick ♂, Rinhoa ♀MarksmanDwarf
TidestormKharon ♂, Alacra ♀MarksmanDragonborn
GryphonGideon ♂, Dahlia ♀WarriorHuman
LycanisRudiger ♂, Kalista ♀AssassinLycan

Event clans

LúmëEllion ♂, Larissa ♀MageHigh Elf
The Scorching FireXazathel ♂, Naryxis ♀MageDemon
NasseRoandel ♂, Atalven ♀WarriorWood Elf
StrixbaneDietric ♂, Keera ♀AssassinHuman
DaevalaVyseron ♂, Ylara ♀AssassinVampire/Twilight Elf
White EyeGalok ♂, Loratha ♀MageOrc
OrostTarrus ♂, Agrella ♀TankMinotaur
HarulSindir ♂, Imaya ♀AssassinVulpin
GultungTerrak Ak ♂, Fung Isljos ♀MarksmanLycan
DravapalaGatra ♂, Varana ♀WarriorNaga
SimirMarukah ♂, Jarun ♀WarriorLionfolk
GalibarTatasil ♂, Walir ♀TankWood Elf
Bloom UncountedNaris ♂, Locusta ♀AssassinFairy (Spring Court)
The ParadeVill Aine ♂, Jes Tress ♀MarksmanJester
The Choir DiscordantWindel Vangloris ♂, Eponin Amareth ♀TankUndead (Elf)
HoKu Ho ♂, Mi Ho ♀MageVulpin
CelphosRismok ♂, Iwati ♀MarksmanNautilid
War BringersProthymus ♂, Avus ♀WarriorDemi-god
StonethrowerFinigal ♂, Annic ♀MarksmanGoatfolk
Water and SunAnatir ♂, Sorsea ♀MageFairy (Summer Court)
SegarakRzik ♂, Ziress ♀AssassinLizardfolk
Dawn BreakersApollo ♂, Eos ♀MageDemi-god
Tide RaisersPoseidon ♂, Amphitrite ♀TankDemi-god
Soul KeepersHades ♂, Persephone ♀AssassinDemi-god
Thunder LordsZeus ♂, Astrape ♀MarksmanDemi-god
Crooked FinsKirsh ♂, Seral ♀WarriorSharkfolk
AskavargLogar ♂, Eldi ♀TankLycan
AlmatAnubis ♂, Amunet ♀WarriorJackal
CorbitElic ♂, Ori ♀AssassinAvian
Silken CrownSevitar ♂, Maralyka ♀MageSpiderling (Autumn Court Fairy)
KivakArak ♂, Sabein ♀MarksmanTuktu
AcunaHakan ♂, Mira ♀MagePhoenix
BjörnkrigerKusun ♂, Kamma ♀WarriorArctic Bear
Estorir SpawnEtrir ♂, Torir ♀TankDragon
SeunWukong ♂, Xiaoling ♀AssassinMonkey
Kojiki ♂, Raijin ♀




  • Nautilis Rising (Clan Celphos event)

Rismok, Iwati, Elyria, Alacra, High Guardian (player), Ovolin, Baris (Huntsdorf ♂), Mirai (Lume ♀).

  • Segarak Rising (Clan Segarak event)

Rzik, Ziress, Gatra, Asperia (High Elf ♀), Jiran (Zaess ♂), Injured Guard (High Elf ♀)

  • On Pale Wings (Soul Keepers event)

Agrella (mentioned), Hades, Ares, Enyo, Xazathel, Gnassag, Vasholo, Persephone, Veshana, Prince Gaimal (Demon ♂), Naryxis, Prince Rekar (Demon ♂)



NovariaThomas (Aeson ♀), Alais (Gryphon ♀), Councilor Maybach (Human ♂)Aeson, GryphonAeson ♀, Ignis ♂, Aeson ♂
City of LightThomas (Aeson ♀), Councilor Maybach (Human ♂), Councillor Epryus (High Elf ♂)Lionstone, IgnisAeson ♂, Aeson ♀
Sylverin WoodsQueen Merlara of Sylverin (Wood Elf ♀), Wood Elf Priest (Wood Elf ♂), Wood Elf Queensguard (Wood Elf ♂)Travian, LycanisTravian ♀, Travian ♂
High TheralinQueen Amedail of Theralin (High Elf ♀), Lord Nheylin (High Elf ♂)Zaess, FulgurTravian ♂, Travian ♀
Aether WastesScout Kalin (Wood Elf ♂), Jeardra (Travian ♀), Forest Spirit ♀Elzedith, Yivnian Yivnian ♀, Yivnian ♂, Elzedith ♂
Dwarven DomainsHezzaere (Sallyhorn ♀), Arafruik (Sallyhorn ♂), Councilor Torold (Dwarf ♂)Sallyhorn, HuntsdorfSallyhorn ♂, Sallyhorn ♀, Huntsdorf ♀
Orcish VillagesCouncilor Torold (Dwarf ♂), Cittou (Ugrull ♀), Bos (Karguk ♂)Karguk, UgrullGryphon ♀, Gryphon ♂
Pyroscar ValleyTeggamon (The Luxuriant ♂), Arafruik (Sallyhorn ♂), Chibjuc (The Luxuriant ♀),The LuxuriantSallyhorn ♂, Karguk ♀, Sallyhorn ♀
The Lava FallsRirkaxek (Doombringer ♂), Gnot (Doombringer ♀)DoombringerThe Luxuriant ♂, The Luxuriant ♀, Yivnian ♂, Yivnian ♀
City of DragonspireTedusuph (Karg ♂), Zalush (Karg ♀), Councillor Epryus (High Elf ♂)Tidestorm, KargTidestorm ♂, Karg ♀, Karg ♂


Gryphon male Gryphon prisoner, female Gryphon prisoner
Yivnian male Yivnian prisoner, female Yivnian prisoner
Karg male Karg prisoner, female Karg prisoner
The LuxuriantIncubus prisoner, Succubus prisoner
Ugrull male Ugrull prisoner, female Ugrull prisoner
Tidestorm male Tidestorm prisoner, female Tidestorm prisoner
Karguk male Karguk prisoner, female Karguk prisoner

Bloodcraft Legends

Scarlet (Bloodstorm), Vestani (Fenix), Sahir (Ashmayne), Arimor (Woodscourge)

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