Chibi Miku-san (ちびミクさん) is a manga strip created, and drawn by Minami. A very adorable story about a miniature version of Hatsune Miku and her friends in a slice of life style storytelling.
This manga strip started from June 5th, 2008, submitted in the form of 4-koma almost daily (not anymore recently), as of 2010 April it reached 450 chapters so far.
One of the appealing point of this 4-koma, aside from it's extremely cute characters, is that almost every strip shows no dialogues, effectively making it a story without words and easy to read.
The setting of the story takes place in this city called Bokarocho (歩家路町), which is similar to the English word "Vocal", while cho means town, literally means Vocal Town, a place for Vocaloids.
It's heartwarming and fuzzy type stories attracted a lot of viewers, and it became one of the most famous webcomic circulating around today.
Main Characters
Chibi Miku-san
The series main character, younger sister of Hatsune Miku. Being extremely small, it is no wonder that her actions and thoughts are that of a small little girl. Active and holds a strong curiousity. Her favourite food is Welsh Onion.
Kagamine Rin
The female twin of the two who looks after Chibi Miku-san.
She's a passionate gamers, holds a PSP. She is seen very nonchalant about just anything, but can actually do it if she tries.
Usually seen pulling various pranks and harmless jokes on Chibi Miku-san. Though that doesn't mean that she dislikes her, but rather bullying her just for the fun of it, or she thinks that Chibi Miku-san is too cute to not bully. She actually cares about her a lot, and sometimes treat her well.
She is also seen to be extremely scary when provoked - and shows no mercy when countering. However, she will never raise her hand on her sister Hatsune Miku no matter what, which shows that she actually respects her sister.
Her expression changes when she starts singing, and is surprisingly good at it.
Her only weakness : Thunder.
Kagamine Len
The male twin of the two who looks after Chibi Miku-san
A kind brother who does his best to satisfy anyone around him. He is also afraid of Rin, and dare not do anything against her.
He is also potrayed as a character full with misfortunes, like getting into accident most of the time (thanks to Rin), doesn't recieve anything back after commiting so much, and so on.
Loves his sister Hatsune Miku.
Surprisingly he is also a person in charge of cooking and serving hotpot dish.
Chibi Miku-san family
Hatsune Miku
Chibi Miku-san's sister. Known affectionally by the fans as "Miku nee-san". She doesn't make much appearance as she is always seen going out.
She is a gentle girl who is always seen smiling, and also a charismatic sister who does everything flawlessly. However, she is actually easily scared, even on Rin sometimes.
She is also scary when being provoked.
She also lives together with Kaito and Meiko.
She is also seen with souvenirs whenever she came back from working, and is shown to have a unique taste in choosing.
An actor, and singer. His landmark song is "Yokubou, Aisu to tomo ni" (Desire, together with ice cream)
Though being Hatsune Miku's guardian, it is unknown whether they both are related in blood or not. He has an affinity towards ice cream, and has a skill of a patissier in ice cream making.
Though bright and cheerful, he seems to be even more unfortunate than Len.
An actress and singer. Does duet with Kaito sometimes.
Though being Hatsune Miku's guardian, it is also unknown whether they both are related in blood or not. Likes to drink, and loves adorable stuff. She sometimes take pictures of them, and also forces them to cosplay.
She also likes to bully.
She is much bolder than Rin and for some unknown reason she doesn't show any mercy towards Kaito. However she does not do it out of hatred.
Friends of Chibi Miku-san
Chibi Neru-san
Chibi Teto-san
Chibi Suzu-san
People of Bokarucho
Yowane Haku
Megurine Luka
Yokune Ruko
Momone Momo