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Version history of Imperium Romanum

2012-06-10 12:09:35 バージョン%

Imperium Romanum

Imperium Romanum BC753 - 1453 2200age 日語 ローマ帝国






National system has survived 2,200 years after the transition while "head" as an advisory body has been (full dictatorship Briefly) to govern the country directly to the Senate the "land of the Senate and Roman people." Is a "national system" has survived the longest in the history 1453 SPQR - 753 BC. "Model of Hell" in Christian

Roman empire itself, and attention, but I do not think that this nation,

Become progeny that the Western idea that = Rome empire.

It was called the "Roman Empire" is not actually by

Merely referred to as "countries and the Republic of the Romans"

(Since "the Republic from the gods," Rome)

Such as the Soviet empire and Chinese empire American Empire

Is compared with the "Roman Empire"

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