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Body Fluid

Body Fluid (体液) is the fluid that exists, circulates, and is secreted by the body. It also refers to those that are discharged from the body.
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Body Fluid (体液) or bodily fluids, or biofluids refers to the fluid that individuals have in their bodies in some form.

Blood that fills the blood vessels spread throughout the body and saliva secreted in the oral cavity are the main examples.


  • Water - Takes up most of the body in order to stay alive. To much can be bad.
  • Blood - A red fluid found in most living things. Plays a major role in maintaining life.
  • Lymphatic Fluid - Stops the spread of bacterial infection and removes toxins mixed with nutrients.
  • Sweat - A clear fluid secreted by the skin when it is hot or during exercise. It has the role of regulating body temperature.
  • Mucus - A general term for viscous liquids such as snot and phlegm. Mucus is also secreted by some molluscs.
  • Saliva - A clear fluid secreted from the mouth. Necessary for the breakdown of starchy substances as well as for moisturizing. Also goes by drool.
  • Gastric Acid - Highly acidic fluid secreted in the stomach. Necessary for digestion and absorption of food. Sometimes discharged from the body when the body is not feeling well.
  • Tears - Clear fluid that flows from the eyes when you are sad or frustrated, or when you cut an onion. They are necessary for moisturizing the eyeballs, and if they are not enough, dry eyes will result.
  • Urine - A discharge of what has accumulated in the bladder. The color and odor vary depending on your physical condition that day. Something wrong is with the body when it's very foamy.
  • Vaginal Discharge - A type of mucus that comes from the vagina to lubricate and protect. It's a mixture of liquid, cells, and bacteria. This can come out in different forms but on pixiv it can fall into a R-18 factor (see Squirting).
  • Semen - A cloudy white fluid that is released from the penis from climax. Semen is necessary for natural procreation, but it can cause serious problems if used improperly. This is also a factor for R-18.
  • Breast Milk - Milky white fluid secreted by the breast. It is an essential source of nutrition for raising a baby.

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