Christianity (キリスト教) is a religion in which Jesus Christ, the savior and king, is supposed to be executed and resurrected, ascend to heaven, and then reappear again on the last day of mankind to create a millennial kingdom.
Christianity (キリスト教, Kirisuto-kyō) is a religion that believes in Jesus of Nazareth as the messiah or Christ (savior). It is believed that Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and to redeem sinful mankind, and that after his execution and resurrection and ascension to heaven, he will reappear again in the last days of mankind to create a millennial kingdom.
It is one of the so-called Abrahamic religions and has the same root as Islam and Judaism. Because they share the same root, they share important concepts such as the Garden of Eden and the Last Judgment with these religions.
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