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Monotheism (一神教) is a type of religion that believes in only one god.
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Monotheism (一神教, tashinkyō) is a religious belief of only one god. The well-known monotheistic religions include Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, but in reality they are further subdivided as follows. Religions that believe in more than one god are called polytheistic.



There is only one god in the world and that one god (the only god) is worshipped. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, etc. Synonymous with monotheism.


There can be more than one god in the world, but only one god is worshipped. Hinduism's Bhakti, Zoroastrianism, etc. This is the end of what is generally referred to as monotheism.


Worships multiple deities and one specific deity as the main deity. The Vedic religions of ancient India fall into this category.

Alternate Deism

Acknowledges the existence of other deities, with occasional alternation of the deity worshipped. Brahmanism, for example.

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Faith Religion

God Mythology


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Monotheism - Faith


一神教 - Wikipedia

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