ファントムby鍬次郎GeneralEventF-4EJ0Japanese license built version of the F-4E Phantom II0EditEdit History739088Last updated: 484 days agoReport a problem日本語The F-4EJ was a version of the F-4E built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for the JASDF. The original 1970s F-4EJ lacked ground attack weaponry compared the F-4E used by other countries. 140 were built, with 138 of them being produced in Japan.Related ArticlesParent ArticleF-4EChild ArticleF-4EJ KaiCommentsComment field is emptyIllustrations on pixivShow allT-2 Aggressorさわの森行スーパーナギちゃん!いっとうさいF-4EJsyun9780F-4EJ Phantom Ⅱ 17-8301Phantom4038ラプターだと思った?Va1kyr13@半放置F-4EJ擬人化極光F-4EJ改空のカケラ とちてれアニフェスF-4EJファントム2船津 三吉神栗コンビとファントム鍬次郎無題Maeki-227Saryn stranded in unknown worldYouka SarynPhantom狛狸F-4EJ PHANTOMEpuushironn(3枚) 親を亡くしたファントム達しゃちょぬ練習絵2バルジ航空自衛隊 F-4EJ改修前 304飛行隊 低視認塗装 (築城)suu451初音電撃作戦#1355RxJx空の勝利は技術にありきらこまお前はまだ殺し屋か、ジーク?Tapkara