"School Idol Musical" is the Love Live! series' venture into live-stage adaptations. First debuted in 2022, this musical is not based on any previous Love Live! series, but will feature an entirely original story. Along with music composed specifically for this production, it offers a vibrant youth drama centered around the dreams of 10 girls.
The musical showcases both fresh and experienced talented actors, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of high school girls as they strive to achieve their dreams. Due to the positive reception from audiences, additional performances have been added.
The "School Idol Musical" centers on the rivalry between the two schools located in the Kansai region; Takizakura Girls' Academy in Osaka and Tsubaki Sakuhana Girls' High School in Hyogo. It's about two girls who are daughters of the chairpersons of the two rival schools who made their fateful encounter through their idol activities.