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Version history of Camouflage

2023-08-11 16:40:53 バージョン%


Camouflage (迷彩) is used for military uniforms to identify soldiers and avoid detection.


Camouflage (迷彩) is used for military uniforms to identify soldiers and avoid detection. The pattern is also used outside the military for different types of clothing and merchandise.

Alternative names and tags

The tag 迷彩 (camouflage) is also tagged under 迷彩服 (military camouflage). As for now, there are no other alternative tags that are widely used.

Related Tags

The camouflage tag or 迷彩 is often used together with other tags such as, military ミリタリー, military affairs 軍事, soldier 軍人 兵士, military uniform 軍服, female soldier 女兵士 女軍人, army 陸軍 軍隊

Related Illustrations


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