Country | France |
Birthday | January 30th |
Birthplace | France |
Age | 21 (DOA1 ~ DOA4), 23 (DOA5) |
Species | Human |
Gender | Female |
Blood Type | AB |
Height | 170 cm |
Weight | 49 kg |
Three Sizes | Breast: 90 cm, Waist: 56 cm, Hip: 86 cm |
Occupation | Opera singer, President and CEO of DOATEC (since DOA4) |
Hobbies | Going for walks (DOA2 - DOA3), Walking her pet dog (since DOA2U) |
Favorite Foods and Drinks | Blancmange, Iced tea (DOAP) |
Favorite Color | Pearl white |
Voice Actress (Japanese) | Yuka Koyama |
Voice Actress (English) | Zoe Galvez (DOA2), Karen Strassman (DOAX2 - DOAP, DOA5, DOA6), Julianne Buescher (DOAD) |