

2021-09-03 04:51:03 バージョン





Theoretical derivation of spin

Takahiro Nomoto

Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan

In four-dimensional or higher-dimensional space, spin angular momentum is not known well. For instance, we are not sure how many components it has in four-dimensional space. In this paper, the spin properties are theoretically derived and investigated in general-dimensional space. Before studying spin, we review the orbital angular momentum properties first, because they are theoretically well known even in higher-dimensional space. Then, for the orbital angular momentum, we make a special but natural assumption, and see that it leads a quantity similar to spin or Pauli matrices. It is remarkable that all the spin properties are derived from the one and only one assumption. Consistency of our consideration is checked by calculating the four-dimensional version of spin spherical harmonics and its eigenvalues. This theory may enable us to understand the double degeneracy of spin-1/2 particles without bringing in something called spin.


We summarize the orbital angular momentum properties in general-dimensional space before considering spin.

In n-dimensional space (hereafter n always denotes the dimension of the space), orbital angular momentum L is defined by the wedge product of position x and momentum p:

L = x ∧ p. (1) By the standard basis of Euclidean space, 2-vector L can be expanded as

(∑n )(∑n )∑n L= xiei ∧ pjej =

i=1 j=1

and using anticommutativity ei ∧ ej = −ej ∧ ei, it is rewritten as

1 ∑n

Lij ei ∧ ej


L = 2

Lij =xipj −xjpi.

i,j =1

(4) In n-dimensional space, the number of independent components of L is n(n − 1)/2 because of the antisymmetricity

of Lij:

Lij = −Lji. (5) The inner product of two general 2-vectors A = ∑ Aij ei ∧ ej , B = ∑ Bij ei ∧ ej is a scalar, and if an orthonormal


A·B = B·A =

Note the commutativity of the inner product. The inner product of L with itself is given by

1 ∑n

L2 =L·L= L2. (7)

basis is chosen, it can be calculated as

∑n i,j =1

(AijBij − AijBji). (6)

In quantum mechanics, x and p become operators, and L also becomes an operator, for example, it is represented as


Lij =−i􏰀 xi∂x −xj∂x . (8)


2 ij i,j =1

xipjei ∧ej, (2) i,j=1


From canonical commutation relation

[xi,pj] = i􏰀δij, (9) we obtain the commutation relation between arbitrary two components of L:

[Lij,Lkl] = i􏰀(δikLjl + δilLkj + δjkLli + δjlLik). (10) Using this commutation relation, we can show the commutativity of Lij and L2:

[Lij,L2] = 0. (11) We can also see that Lij satisfies the following identical equation:

LijLkl − LikLjl + LilLjk = −i􏰀(δijLkl − δikLjl + δilLjk). (12) The eigenvalue problem of L2 can be solved analytically. The eigenvalues are given by

􏰀2l(l + n − 2), l = 0,1,2,.... (13) II. DERIVATION OF SPIN

In Eq. (13), the values of l are set to non-negative integers, but there is no necessity to do so. For instance, in three-dimensional space (n = 3), when an eigenvalue of L2 is provided by l(l + 1)􏰀2 = 6􏰀2, we can adopt l = −3 as well as l = 2. Both non-negative and negative integers are acceptable as values of l. However, in practical problems, we do not need to mind if l is negative or non-negative, because information about the sign of l never appears in the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of L2. The theory of L2 has the complete symmetry with respect to the interchange of l and −(l + n − 2). In Eq. (13), we just take non-negative l for convenience and this is the usual manner.

Nevertheless, in this paper, we would really like to distinguish between non-negative l and negative −(l + n − 2). To this end, we presume that there exists a new operator which simultaneously has both the eigenvalues, 􏰀l and −􏰀(l + n − 2). This assumption implies some kind of symmetry breaking between l and −(l + n − 2), but it is known that this symmetry is never broken as long as we see the square operator L2. Thus we suppose that there exists a not squared orbital angular momentum operator. The beingness of the not squared operator is the only and essential postulate of this theory.

Let us seek the not squared orbital angular momentum operator. The only clue we know is the eigenvalues of the operator:

􏰀l, −􏰀(l + n − 2), l = 0,1,2,.... (14)

These eigenvalues have the dimension equivalent to the angular momentum. Note that the operator we are looking for is not L itself, because L is a 2-vector operator and its eigenvalues must be 2-vector also. Scalar eigenvalues (14) require an operator with scalar form. Therefore, using the inner product of 2-vectors, we assume the form of the operator as


σ·L (15)

1 ∑n

σ = 2

where σ is an undetermined 2-vector operator. In general, the components of σ do not need to have the antisym-


σij = −σji, (17)

but using the anticommutativity of wedge product, we can always make σ to be antisymmetric. In fact, if we transform Eq. (16) as

σ = 21 ∑n 12(σij −σji)ei ∧ej (18) i,j =1

i,j =1

σij ei ∧ ej , (16)


3 and regard (σij −σji)/2 as a new component of σ, the obtained new components have the antisymmetricity. Hereafter

we always assume the antisymmetricity of σij. Using Eq. (6), we rewrite Eq. (15) as

1 ∑n

σ·L = 2

In the rest of this section, we fix the form of the not squared operator as Eq. (19) and study the properties of the undetermined coefficient σ.

From Eq. (14), it is obvious that the eigenvalues of σ·L are real numbers. This means that σ·L is Hermitian: σ·L = (σ·L)†. (20)

The commutativity of the inner product requires

and Eq. (20) yields

σ·L = L·σ, (21)

i,j =1

σ·L = σ†·L. (22) To make this relation hold, we just take σ as a Hermitian operator:

σ = σ†. (23)

This is the first property of σ.

Practical measurement and observation of σ·L for a certain eigenstate permits us to know the eigenvalue of L2 for

the same state. For instance, in three-dimensional space, when eigenvalue −3􏰀 is obtained by measurement of σ·L, we will always obtain eigenvalue 6􏰀2 in the succeeding L2 measurement for the same state. This indicates that σ·L and L2 can be observed simultaneously and it is mathematically written as

[σ·L, L2] = 0. (24) In order to make this commutation relation hold, we require more fundamental or strong commutation relation:

[σij,Lkl] = 0, i,j,k,l = 1,...,n. (25)

This commutation relation suggests that σij is like a constant; in other words, σij does not contain position xk or differential operator ∂/∂xk (see Eq. (8)). This constant assumption is not so artificial because σ·L is thought to be a scalar version of L, and σij seems to be corresponding to ei ∧ ej in Eq. (3), which is also like a constant in Euclidean space (compare the right-hand sides of Eq. (3) and Eq. (19)). To prove Eq. (25) yielding Eq. (24), we expand the left-hand side of Eq. (24) as

[σ·L,L2]= 1 ∑n (σ [L ,L2]+[σ ,L2]L ). (26) 2ijij ijij

i,j =1

From Eqs. (11) and (25), this expression immediately becomes zero. The commutation relation (25) is the second property of σ.

Lastly, let us see the most important relation which characterizes σ. Two identities

(􏰀l)2 +􏰀(n−2)(􏰀l) = 􏰀2l(l+n−2),

( )2 ( )2 (27)

−􏰀(l+n−2) +􏰀(n−2) −􏰀(l+n−2) = 􏰀 l(l+n−2) imply that the following operator identity holds:

(σ·L)2 +􏰀(n−2)σ·L=L2. (28)

The operator σ should be determined such that it satisfies Eq. (28). In order to be able to compare the both sides of the equation, we will represent L by position x and momentum p. First, we expand the right-hand side of Eq. (28) as

2 1∑n

(xipj − xjpi)(xipj − xjpi) =

∑n i,j =1

(xipjxipj − xipjxjpi). (29)

L = 2

i,j =1

σijLij. (19)

Then we use the canonical commutation relation (9) so as to move all xk to the left of pk, as follows:

L2 =

In the same manner, the left-hand side of Eq. (28) is expanded as



Now, we divide the first summation about k, l into two parts.


  1. 􏰀(n − 2)σ·L = 4 =

σijσklLijLkl + σijσklxipjxkpl + 􏰀(n − 2)

σijLij σijxipj


i,j=1 {k,l} ̸={i,j }


∑n ∑n

i=1 k=1 Then, using Eq. (35), we obtain

∑n σσ−i(n−2)σ xp=(n−1) xp.

σ2(xxpp −xxpp)+

σ σ xxpp = ij kl i k j l


xipj = (n − 1)

(xxpp −xxpp),


i i j j i j i j

i i j j

i j i j

σikσjk − i(n − 2)σij Equation (33) provides the two conditions:


∑n (∑n i,j=1 k=1

∑n i=1

∑n i,j =1

∑n i=1

1 ∑n


For Eq. (34), we divide the summation about j into two parts, j = i and j ̸= i:

σ2xp+ ikii


ij ij


(xixipjpj − xixjpipj) + i􏰀(n − 1)



σ2 =1 fori̸=j, ij

∑n ∑ i,j=1 {k,l}

̸={i,j }

∑ ( ∑n







σikσjk − i(n − 2)σij

This equation holds only when each coefficient of all xipj is equal to zero, that is,

∑n k=1

i̸=j k=1

σijσklxixkpjpl = 0.

σikσjk = i(n − 2)σij for i ̸= j.

xipj = 0.


other does not contain them: (σ·L)2+􏰀(n−2)σ·L=

∑n i,j=1

σ2(xxpp −xxpp)+

∑n ∑ i,j=1 {k,l}

σ σ xxpp

i,j,k,l=1 ∑n


i,j=1 ∑n


∑n ∑n ∑n


= σijσklxixkpjpl + i􏰀

σikσjkxipj + 􏰀(n − 2) σijxipj. i,j,k=1 i,j=1

One contains the cases (k, l) = (i, j), (j, i)

(31) and the




(35) (36)




Comparing Eq. (32) with Eq. (30), we obtain the two identities:

∑n ∑n∑∑n


i i j j

i j i j

ij kl i k j l

  1. i􏰀

∑n (∑n i,j=1 k=1

̸={i,j }

σikσjk − i(n − 2)σij



The same is true of Eq. (36), namely, all the coefficients of xixkpjpl must be zero. However in this case, we must take care the commutativity of xi and xk, or pj and pl. The coefficient of xixkpjpl is not σijσkl only but (σijσkl + σkjσil + σilσkj + σklσij). With attention to the summation indices range, Eq. (36) provides the following condition:

σijσkl + σkjσil + σilσkj + σklσij = 0 for three or four different index values. (40)

Summarizing all the above, we have obtained the following properties of σ: σ = σ†,

Equation (45) provides

and these are put together as

σ12, σ13, σ23. (48)

σ23σ13 = iσ21,

σ32σ12 = iσ31, (49)

σ31σ21 = iσ32,

σikσjk = iσij for three different index values. (50)

∑n k=1

[σij,Lkl] = 0,

σij = −σji,

σ2 =1, ij

(41) i,j,k,l = 1,...,n, (42) i,j = 1,...,n, (43) for i ̸= j, (44)

for i ̸= j, (45) for three or four different index values. (46)

σikσjk = i(n − 2)σij,

σijσkl +σkjσil +σilσkj +σklσij =0,

These are the most general properties of σ, though Eqs. (45) and (46) are somewhat complicated. We will simplify these two conditions in the next section.


Equation (45) contains the summation symbol

though it disappears in low-dimensional space. Therefore, we examine the algebraic structure of σ especially in low- dimensional space. As a matter of fact, this low-dimensional simplicity can be inherited to higher-dimensional space if we keep the low-dimensional expressions unchanged. In this section, we will seek a simpler alternative to Eq. (45) by mathematical induction.

In the case of n = 2 In two-dimensional space, σ12 is the only significant component of σ. The remaining components are not independent: σ11 = σ22 = 0, σ21 = −σ12. Among the above equations (41)–(46), non-trivial conditions are the first four, and in particular, the condition (44) is important:

σ2 =1. (47) 12

As a concrete σ12, we can take the identity operator for example, which is Hermitian, commutes with L and satisfies Eq. (44).

12 12

. This summation is troublesome in high-dimensional space,

Rather, we had better not introduce σ in two-dimensional space, where L12 is the only independent component of L, and L2 is simply written as L2 . The reason is made clear by observing two-dimensional subspace of three-


dimensional space. In ordinary three-dimensional quantum mechanics, we usually write L12 as Lz and its eigenvalue

as 􏰀m with m = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . , and we do not see the square operator Lz2 and the square eigenvalue 􏰀2m2 (􏰀2m2 corresponds to eigenvalue (13)). Not to mention, we never introduce σ to distinguish between non-negative m and negative −m with the restriction m ≥ 0. The same goes for pure two-dimensional space, and there is no need to use the square operator L 2 = L 2 or to introduce σ. We have only to use L from the beginning.

In the case of n = 3 This case corresponds to ordinary quantum mechanics. The operator σ has three independent components:

σ13σ23 = iσ12, σ12σ32 = iσ13, σ21σ31 = iσ23,


From this relation and the antisymmetricity (43), we find

σikσjk = iσij = −iσji = −σjkσik (51)

and obtain the anticommutativity

σikσjk = −σjkσik for three different index values. (52)

With regard to Eq. (46), it also leads the anticommutativity (52) as proved in the following. In three-dimensional space, there are not more than three different index values, and it reduces Eq. (46) to the following non-trivial two cases. One is l = k

and the other is l = j

σij σkk + σkj σik + σik σkj + σkk σij = 0 for three different index values, (53)

σij σkj + σkj σij + σij σkj + σkj σij = 0 for three different index values. (54)

It is obvious that both cases yield Eq. (52), and we know that the complicated conditions (45) and (46) are reduced to the simple condition (50).

The operator σ can be represented by Pauli matrices (σx,σy,σz) if we set

σ12 =σz, σ13 =−σy, σ23 =σx (55)


In the case of n = 4

Equation (45) provides


σx = 0 1 , σy = 0 −i , σz = 1 0 . (56) 1 0 i 0 0 −1

In four-dimensional space, the operator σ has the six independent components: σ12, σ13, σ14, σ23, σ24, σ34.



σ14σ24 = iσ12, σ14σ34 = iσ13, σ24σ34 = iσ23,

Then, these six equations can be expressed as

σi4σj4 =iσij

σ24σ14 = iσ21,

σ34σ14 = iσ31, (59)

σ34σ24 = iσ32.

σ13 σ23 σ12 σ32 σ12 σ42 σ21 σ31 σ21 σ41 σ31 σ41

  1. σ14 σ24 + σ14 σ34 + σ13 σ43 + σ24 σ34 + σ23 σ43 + σ32 σ42

= 2iσ12 , = 2iσ13 , = 2iσ14 , = 2iσ23 , = 2iσ24 , = 2iσ34 ,

σ23 σ13 σ32 σ12 σ42 σ12 σ31 σ21 σ41 σ21 σ41 σ31

  1. σ24 σ14 + σ34 σ14 + σ43 σ13 + σ34 σ24 + σ43 σ23 + σ42 σ32

= 2iσ21 , = 2iσ31 , = 2iσ41 , = 2iσ32 , = 2iσ42 , = 2iσ43 .

These relations are somewhat complicated, but if we assume that Eq. (49) holds in four-dimensional space without change, some of the relations in Eq. (58) reduce to

fori,j≤3, i̸=j, (60) and multiplying Eq. (60) by σi4 from the left or by σj4 from the right yields

σ4iσji = iσ4j, σijσ4j = iσi4 for i,j ≤ 3, i ̸= j. (61) Combining Eq. (60) and Eq. (61), we obtain the general expression:

σikσjk = iσij for three different index values. (62)


Like the case of n = 3, Eq. (62) provides the anticommutativity:

σikσjk = −σjkσik for three different index values. (63)

Let us see the last condition (46). As with the case of n = 3, Eq. (46) provides the anticommutativity (63) when two of the four indices have the same value. Therefore, it is only necessary to consider the case where all the indices i, j, k, l have different values. When all the indices are different, Eq. (62) yields the anticommutativity on indices as follows:

In a similar way, it follows that

σij σkl = −iσilσjlσkl = iσilσklσjl = −σilσkj . (64)

σkjσil = −σklσij, (65)

and adding Eq. (64) and Eq. (65), we obtain

σijσkl + σkjσil + σilσkj + σklσij = 0. (66)

Therefore, we do not have to consider the complicated condition (46) because it can be deduced from the more fundamental relation (62). By the same calculation as Eq. (64), we can show the following commutativity:

σijσkl = σklσij for four different index values. (67) This commutativity is important in considering matrix representation of σ.

In the case of n ≥ 5 Consider the case of n = N with N ≥ 5. Here, suppose that we have already obtained the following equation in (N − 1)-dimensional space:

σikσjk = iσij for three different index values. (68) Now, we inductively prove that Eq. (68) also holds in N-dimensional space if the relation σikσjk = iσij is assumed as

correct for the index subset i, j, k ≤ N − 1. In the case of i, j ̸= N , the left-hand side of Eq. (45) can be calculated as N (N−1 )

fori,j≤N−1, i̸=j, (69)


σikσjk = σikσjk +σiNσjN =i(N−3)σij +σiNσjN k=1


and the whole of Eq. (45) becomes

σiNσjN =iσij fori,j≤N−1, i̸=j.

Then, multiplication of this equation by σiN from the left or by σjN from the right yields


σNiσji = iσNj, σijσNj = iσiN for i,j ≤ N −1, i ̸= j. (71)

Combining Eq. (70) and Eq. (71), we know that Eq. (68) also holds in N-dimensional space, and by mathematical induction, it holds for all n ≥ 3. Note that the anticommutativity σikσjk = −σjkσik is automatically satisfied when Eq. (68) holds, and it leads Eq. (46).

σ2 =1, ij

σikσjk = iσij, σikσjk = −σjkσik,

(76), we can make sure that the following commutation relation holds:

[σij,σkl ] = 2i(δikσjl + δilσkj + δjkσli + δjlσik). (77)

For arbitrary dimensions, the components of the Hermitian operator σ has the following algebraic structure: σij = −σji,

(72) fori̸=j, (73) for three different index values, (74) for three different index values, (75) for four different index values. (76)

σijσkl = σklσij,

Equations (75) and (76) are derivative of Eq. (74), but we leave them written down for convenience. From Eqs. (72)–


If we define an operator S as

S = 􏰀2 σ, (78)

it satisfies the angular momentum commutation relation:

[Sij,Skl ] = i􏰀(δikSjl + δilSkj + δjkSli + δjlSik). (79)

In the case of n = 3, the operator S is identified with spin of ordinary quantum mechanics. Note that S does not satisfy a relation similar to Eq. (12) when all the four indices i, j, k, l have different values.


We represent the components of σ by matrices in such a way as to hold the algebraic structure (72)–(76).

General properties We will see the general properties of a matrix σij before studying matrix representation concretely. First and most obviously, σij is a Hermitian matrix. In addition, σij must be a unitary matrix because the matrix version of Eq. (73),

σ2 =I (80) ij

gives σ −1 = σij = σ † . Note that the imaginary unit i in Eq. (74) prevents all components being real matrices for

ij ij

n ≥ 3.

Hermitian matrices can always be diagonalized by proper unitary matrices. Here, we use the notation U for a

unitary matrix which diagonalizes σij. Multiplication of Eq. (80) by U,U−1 yields

(U−1σijU)(U−1σijU) = I. (81)

This equation indicates that the eigenvalues of σij are 1 or −1 only. For n ≥ 3, making use of Eqs. (73) and (75) yields

σij = σijσjkσjk = −σjkσijσjk. (82) With the trace property tr (AB) = tr (BA), the trace of Eq. (82) is given by

trσij = −trσij, (83)

and we obtain

trσij =0 forn≥3. (84) Note that this traceless property prevents us from using ±I as components of σ. The traceless property also holds

for diagonalized σij:

tr(U−1σijU) = 0 for n ≥ 3. (85) This implies that the number of eigenvalue 1 is equal to that of −1, and the order of matrices must be an even number

for n ≥ 3. When the order of σij is given by 2k, the determinant is calculated as

detσij = det(U−1σijU) = (−1)k. (86)

Here, we prove that a representation matrix of a certain component σij must be different from representation matrices of all the other components of σ. For n ≥ 3, there exist two independent components σij and σkl ({i, j} ̸= {k,l}), and temporarily suppose that both are represented by the same matrix. This assumption implies that the matrices σij and σkl are commutative and it means that all the four indices i, j, k, l must be different from one another because of Eqs. (75) and (76). In three-dimensional space, where we can never select four different index values, the necessity of four different values is apparent contradiction and it suggests that the initial assumption is wrong. In the case of n ≥ 5, we can always pick out four different indices i,j,k,l without problems, and in addition, one more different index m. With these five different indices, we can image three independent components σij,σkl,σlm.


From Eqs. (75) and (76), the three components must satisfy the following commutation relation and anticommutation relation:

σijσlm = σlmσij, σklσlm = −σlmσkl. (87) Now, remember σij = σkl as matrices, and then Eq. (87) becomes

σijσlm =σlmσij, σijσlm =−σlmσij, (88)

and these yield

σijσlm =0. (89) The multiplication of Eq. (89) by σlm from the right gives

σij = 0. (90)

However, the zero matrix cannot satisfy Eq. (73), and it indicates that the initial assumption σij = σkl is wrong. Thus all the representation matrices must be different from one another except the case n = 4.

To summarize the above, a representation matrix σij has the following properties: • Both Hermitian and unitary matrix: σij = σ † = σ −1 ;

ij ij

• For n ≥ 3, σij is an even order matrix and is not the identity matrix;

• For n ≥ 3, when the order of σij is 2k, the trace and determinant are given by tr(σij) = 0, det(σij) = (−1)k;

• Except n = 4, the representation matrix of σij is different from those of all the other components.

In the following, we will concretely seek representation matrices of σij in low-dimensional spaces (n = 3, 4, 5, 6). We are particularly interested in constant representation, which does not depend on any parameters. Once a certain representation is found, then other representations will be generated by unitary transformations of the representation because the algebraic structure (72)–(76) is preserved under unitary transformations.

In the case of n = 3 In three-dimensional space, the possible orders of representation matrices are 2, 4, 6, . . . . For simplicity, we seek 2 × 2 matrix representation first. Larger size matrices are examined only when suitable representations cannot be found within 2 × 2 matrices.

In general, a traceless 2 × 2 Hermitian matrix has the following form: []

p q+ir, (91) q − ir −p

where p, q, r are real numbers. The unitarity and the determinant −1 property both yield

p2 + q2 + r2 = 1. (92)

The three independent components σ12,σ13,σ23 must satisfy Eq. (74) and Eq. (92) simultaneously. As a trial, we fix

the form of the primary component σ12 to be diagonal:

σ12=σz= 1 0 , (93)

0 −1

where σz is the Pauli matrices notation (56). The remaining two components σ13,σ23 must be determined so that both anticommute with σ12. The anticommutator between σ12 and the matrix (91) is


1 0 p q+ir + p q+ir 1 0 = 2p 0 . (94) 0−1q−ir−p q−ir−p 0−1 02p

This equation tells that σ13 and σ23 cannot have the diagonal entries (p = 0). Taking account of the correspondence to the Pauli matrices, we decide to choose the matrix σ23 as


σ23 = σx = 0 1 . (95) 10

From the relation σ13 = iσ12σ23, the form of σ13 is automatically settled as []

σ13=−σy= 0 i . (96) −i 0

We can make sure that the set of the three matrices σ12,σ13,σ23 satisfies Eq. (74) properly.



In the case of n = 4 In four-dimensional space, σ has six independent components. Like the three-dimensional space, we try to seek representation within the limits of 2 × 2 matrices.

First, for the subset σ12 , σ13 , σ23 , we elect to use the same representation as n = 3:

σ12 =σz, σ13 =−σy, σ23 =σx. (97)

The remaining components σ14,σ24,σ34 must have the matrix form (91) also. From the condition (76), we can see that σ34 commutes with σ12, and so consider the commutator between σ12 and the matrix (91):


1 0 p q+ir − p q+ir 1 0 = 0 2(q+ir) . (98) 0−1q−ir−p q−ir−p0−1−2(q−ir)0

This indicates that the non-diagonal entries of σ34 must be zero, and the form is restricted to []

p 0 , p=±1. (99) 0 −p

The case p = 1 leads the matrix equality σ34 = σ12, and the case p = −1 leads σ34 = σ21, but four-dimensional space exceptionally allows to assign one specific matrix to two or more components of σ. Here we choose the case p = 1:


σ34= 1 0 . 0 −1

The remaining components σ14 and σ24 are automatically determined as follows: []

σ14 = iσ13σ34 = 0 1 , 10


σ24 = iσ23σ34 = 0 −i . i0


(101) (102)

Direct calculation shows that the obtained matrices fulfill all the conditions (72)–(76).

In the case of n = 5, 6 In five-dimensional space, the four new components σ15, σ25, σ35, σ45 are added, and the

total number of independent components becomes ten. First of all, we must extend n = 4 representation σ12 =σz, σ13 =−σy, σ23 =σx,

σ14 =σx, σ24 =σy, σ34 =σz


to suitable form, because in five-dimensional or higher-dimensional space, it is forbidden to assign a certain matrix to two or more components of σ. To this end, we raise the size of the matrices to 4 × 4.

The tensor product is a simple way to extend 2 × 2 matrices to 4 × 4. Generally, the tensor product of a p × q matrix A = [aij] and an r × s matrix B = [bij] is the pr × qs matrix with the following form:


a11B ... a1qB A ⊗ B =  . . . . .

 . (104) Note that block matrix notation is used in this equation. The multiplication of two tensor products is calculated as

(A⊗B)(C ⊗D) = (AC)⊗(BD). The Hermitian conjugate of tensor product is

(A ⊗ B)† = A† ⊗ B†.

Using the tensor product, we simply extend the subset σ12, σ13, σ23 to 4 × 4 matrices as follows:

σ12 =σz ⊗I, σ13 =−σy ⊗I, σ23 =σx ⊗I,




ap1B ... apqB


where I is the identity matrix of size 2. For σ14,σ24,σ34, we choose the following representation so that six matrices are all different from one another:

σ14 =σx ⊗σz, σ24 =σy ⊗σz, σ34 =σz ⊗σz. (108)

We can make sure that matrices (107), (108) satisfy the n = 4 algebra properly.

Let us determine the remaining four components σ15, σ25, σ35, σ45 within the tensor product form of two Pauli

matrices. To begin with, note that σ45 is commutative with the matrices (107) and anticommutative with (108). It restricts the possible forms of σ45 to ±(I ⊗ σx) or ±(I ⊗ σy). Here we choose the following form in an arbitrary manner:

σ45 = I ⊗ σx. (109) With Eq. (105), the remaining components are automatically determined from the relation σi5 = iσi4σ45:

σ15 = −σx ⊗σy, σ25 = −σy ⊗σy, σ35 = −σz ⊗σy. (110)

In the same way as n = 5, we can find n = 6 matrices easily. If the above ten matrices are adopted without change, all we have to do is to set the remaining five components σ16, σ26, σ36, σ46, σ56 properly. Note that the last component σ56 commutes with the six matrices (107), (108). This commutativity restricts the possible forms of σ56 to ±(I ⊗ σz ), and here we choose

σ56 =I⊗σz. (111) From the relation σi6 = iσi5σ56, the remaining four components are automatically determined as

σ16 =σx ⊗σx, σ26 =σy ⊗σx, σ36 =σz ⊗σx, σ46 =I⊗σy. (112)

Now we have obtained all the matrices of n = 5, 6 with consideration of only a part of the necessary conditions. However, by calculation, we can check that all the conditions (72)–(76) are exhaustively satisfied. The result of n = 5, 6 is explicitly written as follows (no entries indicates 0):

σ12 = σz ⊗ I =

[1] [i] [1] 1−1 , σ13 = −σy ⊗ I = −i i , σ23=σx⊗I=1 1,

−1 −i 1

[ 1 ] [ −i ] [1]

−1 , σ24=σy⊗σz= i , σ34=σz⊗σz= −1 , 1 i −1

−1 −i 1 [i] [1] [i]


σ15=−σx⊗σy= −i , σ25=−σy⊗σy= −1 , σ35=−σz⊗σy=−i ,

i −1 −i −i 1 i

[ 1] [ −i] [1] 1 , σ26 = σy ⊗ σx = −i , σ36=σz⊗σx=1−1,

σ16 = σx ⊗ σx =

[1 ] [−i ] [1]


1 i −1

σ45=I⊗σx= 1 , σ46=I⊗σy= i , σ56=I⊗σz= −1 . 1 −i 1

1 i −1 Representation matrices in higher-dimensional spaces are given in Appendix.


Let us solve the eigenvalue problem of σ · L in four-dimensional space (n = 4). Here we adopt the 2 × 2 matrix representation (103). The operator σ·L is expressed as

or simply written as

σ·L =


L12 +L34 (L23 +L14)−i(L31 +L24) (L23 + L14) + i(L31 + L24) −(L12 + L34)


σ·L = M M− M+ −M






The eigenvalue equation is

M = L12 +L34, M± = (L23 +L14)±i(L31 +L24).



sections is valid, we will obtain eigenvalues λ = 􏰀l, −􏰀(l + 2). We will verify it in the following.

First we study the properties of M,M±. Using Eq. (10), we can make sure of the following commutation relations:

[M, M±] = ±2􏰀M±, [M+, M−] = 4􏰀M.

The anticommutation relation between M+ and M− is given by

M+M− + M−M+ = 2((L23 + L14)2 + (L31 + L24)2).

Further, adding M2, we notice the following equation,

M 2 + 12 (M+ M− + M− M+ ) = L2 + 2 (L12 L34 − L13 L24 + L14 L23 ),

and making use of Eq. (12), the anticommutation relation is rewritten as M+M− + M−M+ = 2L2 − 2M2.

The sum and difference of Eq. (118) and Eq. (121) provide

M+M− = L2 − M2 + 2􏰀M,

MM− u=λu, M+−Mv v

(116) where λ and v stand for the eigenvalue and eigenvector of σ·L respectively. If our consideration in the previous


(117) (118)




(122) (123)

L2 and M exist. A simultaneous eigenfunction y satisfies the following eigenvalue equations:

L2y = Λy, My = μy, (124)

where Λ and μ are eigenvalues. We have already known the eigenvalues of L2 in four-dimensional space, Λ = 􏰀2l(l+2) with l = 0, 1, 2, . . . , but we go forward without the knowledge here. The eigenfunction y is supposed to be normalized:

M−M+ = L2 − M2 − 2􏰀M.

From Eq. (11), it is obvious that L2 and M are commutative, and it implies that simultaneous eigenfunctions of

y2 dΩ = 1,

where S3 is the surface of the 3-sphere. Note that Λ never becomes negative because of


Eq. (124). From the commutation relation (11), M+y is obviously an eigenfunction of L2 with eigenvalue Λ: L2(M+y) = Λ(M+y).

With regard to the operator M , we obtain eigenvalue μ + 2􏰀 from Eq. (117): M(M+y) = (μ + 2􏰀)(M+y).

Similarly, M−y is one of the simultaneous eigenfunctions of L2 and M:

L2(M−y) = Λ(M−y), M(M−y) = (μ − 2􏰀)(M−y).


(126) Now we will show that a function M+y is one of the simultaneous eigenfunctions of L2 and M when y satisfies


Λ = y∗L2y dΩ = (Ly)∗· (Ly) dΩ ≥ 0. S3 S3



(129) (130)


Therefore, once we find some simultaneous eigenfunction y, then we can immediately find a series of simultaneous eigenfunctions M±y, M±2y, . . . with eigenvalues μ ± 2􏰀, μ ± 4􏰀, . . . . At a glance, there seem to exist an infinite number of simultaneous eigenfunctions for the operator M, and eigenvalue μ has no upper or lower limits. However they are not true, and eigenvalue μ is bounded as proved below. With the relation M+† = M− and Eq. (123), the integration of |M+y|2 is

and we know


M+y2 dΩ = y∗M−M+ydΩ = y∗(L2 −M2 −2􏰀M)ydΩ = Λ−μ2 −2􏰀μ, S3 S3 S3

Λ−μ2 −2􏰀μ≥0. Λ−μ2 +2􏰀μ≥0.







In the same way, the integration of |M−y|2 gives

Combining these two inequalities restricts the possible range of μ as


− Λ+􏰀2 +􏰀≤μ≤ Λ+􏰀2 −􏰀.

Note that it depends on eigenvalue Λ. To make Eq. (134) simpler, we introduce the abbreviations l and m as

and the inequality is rewritten as

Note l ≥ 0. The conflict between an infinite number of eigenfunctions and the boundedness of m can be eliminated as follows. Suppose eigenvalue m has the maximum value mmax and the minimum value mmin, and assume that the corresponding eigenfunctions ymax and ymin satisfy the following equations:

M+ymax = 0, M−ymin = 0. (137)

When these equations hold, Eq. (128) and (130) also hold trivially with the identically zero function for the outside range of Eq. (136), and the contradiction does not occur regardless of the number of M± operating times.

Using l, mmax instead of Λ, μmax, it is rewritten as

(mmax −l)(mmax +(l+2)) = 0.

Similarly for mmin, we obtain

(mmin +l)(mmin −(l+2)) = 0. From these equations, the maximum and minimum of m are determined as

mmax = l, mmin = −l.

􏰀l =

Λ + 􏰀2 − 􏰀, 􏰀m = μ,

−l ≤ m ≤ l.

For a certain Λ, substituting ymax and μmax = 􏰀mmax into inequality (131) yields the following equality: Λ − μ 2 − 2􏰀μ = 0.





max max

A series of M+ operation on ymin causes +2 increment for eigenvalue m at each time, and after several operations, the maximum eigenvalue mmax and the corresponding eigenfunction ymax must be obtained to be bounded above. Therefore the relation between mmax and mmin is written as mmax = mmin + 2k, where k = 0, 1, 2, . . . denotes the number of times of M+ operation, and inserting Eq. (141) into the relation yields

l = k = 0,1,2,.... (142) Namely, l is a non-negative integer and m is a two by two stepping integer which lies in −l ≤ m ≤ l.


With the use of l and m, we label a simultaneous eigenfunction of L2 and M as ylm:

L2ylm = 􏰀2l(l + 2)ylm, Mylm = 􏰀mylm. (143)

The state labeled l and m+2 can be obtained by M+ operation on ylm, but it is not normalized as is. From Eq. (131), we can see that M+ylm is related with normalized ylm+2 as

M+ylm = 􏰀 (l−m)(l+m+2) ylm+2,

where the real and positive phase is chosen. Similarly, M−ylm is related with normalized ylm−2 as √

M−ylm = 􏰀 (l+m)(l−m+2) ylm−2. We are ready to solve the original eigenvalue equation (116)

Mu + M−v = λu, M+u − Mv = λv.

Careful observation of Eq. (146) makes us notice the following solution: u = Aylm, v = Bylm+2,





(147) where A and B are some proper constants. Note that this solution also becomes an eigenstate of L2 with eigenvalue

􏰀2l(l + 2). In order to set the values of A, B, insert the solution (147) into Eq. (146), and it follows that √


􏰀mA+􏰀 (l+m+2)(l−m)B=λA, √

􏰀 (l−m)(l+m+2)A−􏰀(m+2)B=λB [√][]



(150) (151)

(152) (153)






√ λ − 􏰀m −􏰀 (l + m + 2)(l − m) −􏰀 (l−m)(l+m+2) λ+􏰀(m+2)


= 0.

For a non-trivial solution, the determinant of the matrix must become zero: (λ−􏰀l)(λ+􏰀(l+2)) = 0.

Therefore, as expected, we obtain the eigenvalues of σ·L as λ = 􏰀l, −􏰀(l + 2),

The relation between A and B are given by √

B = l − m A l+m+2

l = 0,1,2,....

for λ = 􏰀l, forλ=−􏰀(l+2).


l+m+2 A l−m

The absolute values of A, B are determined from the normalization condition ∫[u]∫()

and they become


l − m 2l + 2

A =

A =

for λ = 􏰀l,

[u∗v∗] v dΩ= S3


l + m + 2 , B = 2l + 2


l − m , B = − 2l + 2

u2+v2 dΩ=1,

l + m + 2 2l + 2

for λ = −􏰀(l + 2),

where real phase is chosen. Taken together, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the operator σ·L are [][√]


v =√2l+2 √l−my

u 1 l + m + 2 ylm


uv =√ 1 √ l−mylm 2l+2 − l+m+2ylm+2


This is the four-dimensional version of spin spherical harmonics.


l m+2 [][√]


We have investigated the analog of the spin angular momentum operator in general dimensional space. When the square of the orbital angular momentum operator was decomposed into the not squared operator σ·L, the spinlike operator σ emerged as the coefficient of L. Every property of σ was derived from the following identical equation:

σ·L (σ·L + 􏰀(n − 2)) = L2. (159)

This is the most important equation in this paper. The conditional equations directly obtained from the above equation have been somewhat complicated, and we transformed them into the simpler equations in such a way that relations for lower-dimensional subset were unchanged in higher-dimensional space. Then, by heuristic method, we found the concrete representation matrices in several low-dimensional spaces with attention to the restriction condition on the matrix form. Lastly, we solved the eigenvalue problem of σ·L in four-dimensional space and obtained the consistent eigenvalues.

In ordinary three-dimensional quantum mechanics, spin is assumed to be independent of orbital angular momentum. However, in our derivation of spin, σ always accompanies L, and we do not have to deal with the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of σ or spin S = 􏰀σ/2 directly. Spin or σ is nothing but a coefficient, and σ·L seems to be more fundamental existence. In a hydrogen-like atom, degenerate states of the electron are usually distinguish by both the orbital angular momentum quantum number and spin quantum number. However, in our new interpretation, the states can be distinguished by the orbital angular momentum quantum number 􏰀l, −􏰀(l + n − 2) only. The not squared operator σ·L enables us to unify spin into orbital angular momentum.


In the case of n ≥ 7, examples of σ matrices are given. The use of the Pauli matrices and tensor product makes it easy to find proper representations.

n = 7, 8

σ12 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ I,

σ14 =σx ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ15 =−σx ⊗σy ⊗σz, σ16 =σx ⊗σx ⊗σz, σ45 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ I,

σ17 = −σx ⊗ I ⊗ σy, σ47 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σx, σ18 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ σx, σ48 =I⊗σz ⊗σy, σ78 =I⊗I⊗σz

σ13=−σy⊗I⊗I, σ24 =σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ25 =−σy ⊗σy ⊗σz, σ26=σy⊗σx⊗σz, σ46=I⊗σy⊗I, σ27=−σy⊗I⊗σy, σ57=−I⊗σy⊗σx, σ28=σy⊗I⊗σx, σ58=−I⊗σy⊗σy,

σ23 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ I

σ34 = σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σz σ35 = −σz ⊗σy ⊗σz σ36=σz⊗σx⊗σz σ56=I⊗σz⊗I

σ37 =−σz ⊗I⊗σy σ67=I⊗σx⊗σx σ38=σz⊗I⊗σx σ68=I⊗σx⊗σy


n = 9, 10

σ12 =σz ⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ14 =σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ15 =−σx ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ16 =σx ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ45 =I⊗σx ⊗I⊗I,

σ17 =−σx ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz, σ47 =I⊗σz ⊗σx ⊗I, σ18 =σx ⊗I⊗σx ⊗σz, σ48 =I⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I, σ19 =−σx ⊗I⊗I⊗σy, σ49 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ110 =σx ⊗I⊗I⊗σx, σ410 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σy, σ78 =I⊗I⊗σz ⊗I, σ710 =−I⊗I⊗y⊗y,

n = 11,12

σ12 =σz ⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ14 =σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ15 =−σx ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ16 =σx ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ45 =I⊗σx ⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ17 =−σx ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ47 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σx ⊗ I ⊗ I,

σ18 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz , σ48 =I⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I⊗I,

σ19 = −σx ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σz , σ49 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σx ⊗ I,

σ 1 10 = σ x ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σ x ⊗ σ z , σ410 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I,

σ 1 11 = − σ x ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σ y , σ411 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σx, σ112 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx, σ412 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σy, σ78 = I ⊗ I ⊗ σz ⊗ I ⊗ I,

σ710 =−I⊗I⊗σy ⊗σy ⊗I, σ711 =−I⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ712=−I⊗I⊗σy⊗σz⊗σy, σ1011 = I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σx,

σ13 =−σy ⊗I⊗I⊗I, σ24 =σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ25 =−σy ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ26 =σy ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ46 =I⊗σy ⊗I⊗I,

σ27 =−σy ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz, σ57 =−I⊗σy ⊗σx ⊗I, σ28 =σy ⊗I⊗σx ⊗σz, σ58 =−I⊗σy ⊗σy ⊗I, σ29 =−σy ⊗I⊗I⊗σy, σ59 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ210 =σy ⊗I⊗I⊗σx, σ510 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σy, σ79 =−I⊗I⊗σy ⊗σx, σ810 =I⊗I⊗σx ⊗σy,

σ13 =−σy ⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ24 =σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ25 =−σy ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ26 =σy ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ46 =I⊗σy ⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ27 =−σy ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ57=−I⊗σy⊗σx⊗I⊗I, σ28=σy⊗I⊗σx⊗σz⊗σz, σ58=−I⊗σy⊗σy⊗I⊗I, σ29=−σy⊗I⊗I⊗σy⊗σz, σ59=−I⊗σy⊗σz⊗σx⊗I, σ210=σy⊗I⊗I⊗σx⊗σz, σ510 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I, σ211=−σy⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗σy, σ511 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ212=σy⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗σx, σ512=−I⊗σy⊗σz⊗σz⊗σy, σ79=−I⊗I⊗σy⊗σx⊗I, σ810=I⊗I⊗σx⊗σy⊗I, σ811=I⊗I⊗σx⊗σz⊗σx, σ812=I⊗I⊗σx⊗σz⊗σy, σ1012=I⊗I⊗I⊗σx⊗σy,

σ23 =σx ⊗I⊗I⊗I

σ34 =σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ35 =−σz ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz σ36 =σz ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz σ56 =I⊗σz ⊗I⊗I

σ37 =−σz ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz σ67 =I⊗σx ⊗σx ⊗I

σ38 =σz ⊗I⊗σx ⊗σz σ68 =I⊗σx ⊗σy ⊗I

σ39 =−σz ⊗I⊗I⊗σy σ69 =I⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σx σ310 =σz ⊗I⊗I⊗σx σ610 =I⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σy σ89 =I⊗I⊗σx ⊗σx σ910 =I⊗I⊗I⊗σz

σ23 =σx ⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗I

σ34 =σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ35 =−σz ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ36 =σz ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ56 =I⊗σz ⊗I⊗I⊗I

σ37 =−σz ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz σ67 =I⊗σx ⊗σx ⊗I⊗I

σ38 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz σ68 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σy ⊗ I ⊗ I

σ39 = −σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σz σ69 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σx ⊗ I σ310 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz σ610 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σy ⊗ I σ311 = −σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy σ611 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σx σ312 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx

σ612 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σy σ89 =I⊗I⊗σx ⊗σx ⊗I

σ910 = I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σz ⊗ I

σ911 = −I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σx σ912 = −I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σy σ1112 =I⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗σz


Theoretical derivation of spin

Takahiro Nomoto

Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan

In four-dimensional or higher-dimensional space, spin angular momentum is not known well. For instance, we are not sure how many components it has in four-dimensional space. In this paper, the spin properties are theoretically derived and investigated in general-dimensional space. Before studying spin, we review the orbital angular momentum properties first, because they are theoretically well known even in higher-dimensional space. Then, for the orbital angular momentum, we make a special but natural assumption, and see that it leads a quantity similar to spin or Pauli matrices. It is remarkable that all the spin properties are derived from the one and only one assumption. Consistency of our consideration is checked by calculating the four-dimensional version of spin spherical harmonics and its eigenvalues. This theory may enable us to understand the double degeneracy of spin-1/2 particles without bringing in something called spin.


We summarize the orbital angular momentum properties in general-dimensional space before considering spin.

In n-dimensional space (hereafter n always denotes the dimension of the space), orbital angular momentum L is defined by the wedge product of position x and momentum p:

L = x ∧ p. (1) By the standard basis of Euclidean space, 2-vector L can be expanded as

(∑n )(∑n )∑n L= xiei ∧ pjej =

i=1 j=1

and using anticommutativity ei ∧ ej = −ej ∧ ei, it is rewritten as

1 ∑n

Lij ei ∧ ej


L = 2

Lij =xipj −xjpi.

i,j =1

(4) In n-dimensional space, the number of independent components of L is n(n − 1)/2 because of the antisymmetricity

of Lij:

Lij = −Lji. (5) The inner product of two general 2-vectors A = ∑ Aij ei ∧ ej , B = ∑ Bij ei ∧ ej is a scalar, and if an orthonormal


A·B = B·A =

Note the commutativity of the inner product. The inner product of L with itself is given by

1 ∑n

L2 =L·L= L2. (7)

basis is chosen, it can be calculated as

∑n i,j =1

(AijBij − AijBji). (6)

In quantum mechanics, x and p become operators, and L also becomes an operator, for example, it is represented as


Lij =−i􏰀 xi∂x −xj∂x . (8)


2 ij i,j =1

xipjei ∧ej, (2) i,j=1


From canonical commutation relation

[xi,pj] = i􏰀δij, (9) we obtain the commutation relation between arbitrary two components of L:

[Lij,Lkl] = i􏰀(δikLjl + δilLkj + δjkLli + δjlLik). (10) Using this commutation relation, we can show the commutativity of Lij and L2:

[Lij,L2] = 0. (11) We can also see that Lij satisfies the following identical equation:

LijLkl − LikLjl + LilLjk = −i􏰀(δijLkl − δikLjl + δilLjk). (12) The eigenvalue problem of L2 can be solved analytically. The eigenvalues are given by

􏰀2l(l + n − 2), l = 0,1,2,.... (13) II. DERIVATION OF SPIN

In Eq. (13), the values of l are set to non-negative integers, but there is no necessity to do so. For instance, in three-dimensional space (n = 3), when an eigenvalue of L2 is provided by l(l + 1)􏰀2 = 6􏰀2, we can adopt l = −3 as well as l = 2. Both non-negative and negative integers are acceptable as values of l. However, in practical problems, we do not need to mind if l is negative or non-negative, because information about the sign of l never appears in the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of L2. The theory of L2 has the complete symmetry with respect to the interchange of l and −(l + n − 2). In Eq. (13), we just take non-negative l for convenience and this is the usual manner.

Nevertheless, in this paper, we would really like to distinguish between non-negative l and negative −(l + n − 2). To this end, we presume that there exists a new operator which simultaneously has both the eigenvalues, 􏰀l and −􏰀(l + n − 2). This assumption implies some kind of symmetry breaking between l and −(l + n − 2), but it is known that this symmetry is never broken as long as we see the square operator L2. Thus we suppose that there exists a not squared orbital angular momentum operator. The beingness of the not squared operator is the only and essential postulate of this theory.

Let us seek the not squared orbital angular momentum operator. The only clue we know is the eigenvalues of the operator:

􏰀l, −􏰀(l + n − 2), l = 0,1,2,.... (14)

These eigenvalues have the dimension equivalent to the angular momentum. Note that the operator we are looking for is not L itself, because L is a 2-vector operator and its eigenvalues must be 2-vector also. Scalar eigenvalues (14) require an operator with scalar form. Therefore, using the inner product of 2-vectors, we assume the form of the operator as


σ·L (15)

1 ∑n

σ = 2

where σ is an undetermined 2-vector operator. In general, the components of σ do not need to have the antisym-


σij = −σji, (17)

but using the anticommutativity of wedge product, we can always make σ to be antisymmetric. In fact, if we transform Eq. (16) as

σ = 21 ∑n 12(σij −σji)ei ∧ej (18) i,j =1

i,j =1

σij ei ∧ ej , (16)


3 and regard (σij −σji)/2 as a new component of σ, the obtained new components have the antisymmetricity. Hereafter

we always assume the antisymmetricity of σij. Using Eq. (6), we rewrite Eq. (15) as

1 ∑n

σ·L = 2

In the rest of this section, we fix the form of the not squared operator as Eq. (19) and study the properties of the undetermined coefficient σ.

From Eq. (14), it is obvious that the eigenvalues of σ·L are real numbers. This means that σ·L is Hermitian: σ·L = (σ·L)†. (20)

The commutativity of the inner product requires

and Eq. (20) yields

σ·L = L·σ, (21)

i,j =1

σ·L = σ†·L. (22) To make this relation hold, we just take σ as a Hermitian operator:

σ = σ†. (23)

This is the first property of σ.

Practical measurement and observation of σ·L for a certain eigenstate permits us to know the eigenvalue of L2 for

the same state. For instance, in three-dimensional space, when eigenvalue −3􏰀 is obtained by measurement of σ·L, we will always obtain eigenvalue 6􏰀2 in the succeeding L2 measurement for the same state. This indicates that σ·L and L2 can be observed simultaneously and it is mathematically written as

[σ·L, L2] = 0. (24) In order to make this commutation relation hold, we require more fundamental or strong commutation relation:

[σij,Lkl] = 0, i,j,k,l = 1,...,n. (25)

This commutation relation suggests that σij is like a constant; in other words, σij does not contain position xk or differential operator ∂/∂xk (see Eq. (8)). This constant assumption is not so artificial because σ·L is thought to be a scalar version of L, and σij seems to be corresponding to ei ∧ ej in Eq. (3), which is also like a constant in Euclidean space (compare the right-hand sides of Eq. (3) and Eq. (19)). To prove Eq. (25) yielding Eq. (24), we expand the left-hand side of Eq. (24) as

[σ·L,L2]= 1 ∑n (σ [L ,L2]+[σ ,L2]L ). (26) 2ijij ijij

i,j =1

From Eqs. (11) and (25), this expression immediately becomes zero. The commutation relation (25) is the second property of σ.

Lastly, let us see the most important relation which characterizes σ. Two identities

(􏰀l)2 +􏰀(n−2)(􏰀l) = 􏰀2l(l+n−2),

( )2 ( )2 (27)

−􏰀(l+n−2) +􏰀(n−2) −􏰀(l+n−2) = 􏰀 l(l+n−2) imply that the following operator identity holds:

(σ·L)2 +􏰀(n−2)σ·L=L2. (28)

The operator σ should be determined such that it satisfies Eq. (28). In order to be able to compare the both sides of the equation, we will represent L by position x and momentum p. First, we expand the right-hand side of Eq. (28) as

2 1∑n

(xipj − xjpi)(xipj − xjpi) =

∑n i,j =1

(xipjxipj − xipjxjpi). (29)

L = 2

i,j =1

σijLij. (19)

Then we use the canonical commutation relation (9) so as to move all xk to the left of pk, as follows:

L2 =

In the same manner, the left-hand side of Eq. (28) is expanded as



Now, we divide the first summation about k, l into two parts.


  1. 􏰀(n − 2)σ·L = 4 =

σijσklLijLkl + σijσklxipjxkpl + 􏰀(n − 2)

σijLij σijxipj


i,j=1 {k,l} ̸={i,j }


∑n ∑n

i=1 k=1 Then, using Eq. (35), we obtain

∑n σσ−i(n−2)σ xp=(n−1) xp.

σ2(xxpp −xxpp)+

σ σ xxpp = ij kl i k j l


xipj = (n − 1)

(xxpp −xxpp),


i i j j i j i j

i i j j

i j i j

σikσjk − i(n − 2)σij Equation (33) provides the two conditions:


∑n (∑n i,j=1 k=1

∑n i=1

∑n i,j =1

∑n i=1

1 ∑n


For Eq. (34), we divide the summation about j into two parts, j = i and j ̸= i:

σ2xp+ ikii


ij ij


(xixipjpj − xixjpipj) + i􏰀(n − 1)



σ2 =1 fori̸=j, ij

∑n ∑ i,j=1 {k,l}

̸={i,j }

∑ ( ∑n







σikσjk − i(n − 2)σij

This equation holds only when each coefficient of all xipj is equal to zero, that is,

∑n k=1

i̸=j k=1

σijσklxixkpjpl = 0.

σikσjk = i(n − 2)σij for i ̸= j.

xipj = 0.


other does not contain them: (σ·L)2+􏰀(n−2)σ·L=

∑n i,j=1

σ2(xxpp −xxpp)+

∑n ∑ i,j=1 {k,l}

σ σ xxpp

i,j,k,l=1 ∑n


i,j=1 ∑n


∑n ∑n ∑n


= σijσklxixkpjpl + i􏰀

σikσjkxipj + 􏰀(n − 2) σijxipj. i,j,k=1 i,j=1

One contains the cases (k, l) = (i, j), (j, i)

(31) and the




(35) (36)




Comparing Eq. (32) with Eq. (30), we obtain the two identities:

∑n ∑n∑∑n


i i j j

i j i j

ij kl i k j l

  1. i􏰀

∑n (∑n i,j=1 k=1

̸={i,j }

σikσjk − i(n − 2)σij



The same is true of Eq. (36), namely, all the coefficients of xixkpjpl must be zero. However in this case, we must take care the commutativity of xi and xk, or pj and pl. The coefficient of xixkpjpl is not σijσkl only but (σijσkl + σkjσil + σilσkj + σklσij). With attention to the summation indices range, Eq. (36) provides the following condition:

σijσkl + σkjσil + σilσkj + σklσij = 0 for three or four different index values. (40)

Summarizing all the above, we have obtained the following properties of σ: σ = σ†,

Equation (45) provides

and these are put together as

σ12, σ13, σ23. (48)

σ23σ13 = iσ21,

σ32σ12 = iσ31, (49)

σ31σ21 = iσ32,

σikσjk = iσij for three different index values. (50)

∑n k=1

[σij,Lkl] = 0,

σij = −σji,

σ2 =1, ij

(41) i,j,k,l = 1,...,n, (42) i,j = 1,...,n, (43) for i ̸= j, (44)

for i ̸= j, (45) for three or four different index values. (46)

σikσjk = i(n − 2)σij,

σijσkl +σkjσil +σilσkj +σklσij =0,

These are the most general properties of σ, though Eqs. (45) and (46) are somewhat complicated. We will simplify these two conditions in the next section.


Equation (45) contains the summation symbol

though it disappears in low-dimensional space. Therefore, we examine the algebraic structure of σ especially in low- dimensional space. As a matter of fact, this low-dimensional simplicity can be inherited to higher-dimensional space if we keep the low-dimensional expressions unchanged. In this section, we will seek a simpler alternative to Eq. (45) by mathematical induction.

In the case of n = 2 In two-dimensional space, σ12 is the only significant component of σ. The remaining components are not independent: σ11 = σ22 = 0, σ21 = −σ12. Among the above equations (41)–(46), non-trivial conditions are the first four, and in particular, the condition (44) is important:

σ2 =1. (47) 12

As a concrete σ12, we can take the identity operator for example, which is Hermitian, commutes with L and satisfies Eq. (44).

12 12

. This summation is troublesome in high-dimensional space,

Rather, we had better not introduce σ in two-dimensional space, where L12 is the only independent component of L, and L2 is simply written as L2 . The reason is made clear by observing two-dimensional subspace of three-


dimensional space. In ordinary three-dimensional quantum mechanics, we usually write L12 as Lz and its eigenvalue

as 􏰀m with m = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . , and we do not see the square operator Lz2 and the square eigenvalue 􏰀2m2 (􏰀2m2 corresponds to eigenvalue (13)). Not to mention, we never introduce σ to distinguish between non-negative m and negative −m with the restriction m ≥ 0. The same goes for pure two-dimensional space, and there is no need to use the square operator L 2 = L 2 or to introduce σ. We have only to use L from the beginning.

In the case of n = 3 This case corresponds to ordinary quantum mechanics. The operator σ has three independent components:

σ13σ23 = iσ12, σ12σ32 = iσ13, σ21σ31 = iσ23,


From this relation and the antisymmetricity (43), we find

σikσjk = iσij = −iσji = −σjkσik (51)

and obtain the anticommutativity

σikσjk = −σjkσik for three different index values. (52)

With regard to Eq. (46), it also leads the anticommutativity (52) as proved in the following. In three-dimensional space, there are not more than three different index values, and it reduces Eq. (46) to the following non-trivial two cases. One is l = k

and the other is l = j

σij σkk + σkj σik + σik σkj + σkk σij = 0 for three different index values, (53)

σij σkj + σkj σij + σij σkj + σkj σij = 0 for three different index values. (54)

It is obvious that both cases yield Eq. (52), and we know that the complicated conditions (45) and (46) are reduced to the simple condition (50).

The operator σ can be represented by Pauli matrices (σx,σy,σz) if we set

σ12 =σz, σ13 =−σy, σ23 =σx (55)


In the case of n = 4

Equation (45) provides


σx = 0 1 , σy = 0 −i , σz = 1 0 . (56) 1 0 i 0 0 −1

In four-dimensional space, the operator σ has the six independent components: σ12, σ13, σ14, σ23, σ24, σ34.



σ14σ24 = iσ12, σ14σ34 = iσ13, σ24σ34 = iσ23,

Then, these six equations can be expressed as

σi4σj4 =iσij

σ24σ14 = iσ21,

σ34σ14 = iσ31, (59)

σ34σ24 = iσ32.

σ13 σ23 σ12 σ32 σ12 σ42 σ21 σ31 σ21 σ41 σ31 σ41

  1. σ14 σ24 + σ14 σ34 + σ13 σ43 + σ24 σ34 + σ23 σ43 + σ32 σ42

= 2iσ12 , = 2iσ13 , = 2iσ14 , = 2iσ23 , = 2iσ24 , = 2iσ34 ,

σ23 σ13 σ32 σ12 σ42 σ12 σ31 σ21 σ41 σ21 σ41 σ31

  1. σ24 σ14 + σ34 σ14 + σ43 σ13 + σ34 σ24 + σ43 σ23 + σ42 σ32

= 2iσ21 , = 2iσ31 , = 2iσ41 , = 2iσ32 , = 2iσ42 , = 2iσ43 .

These relations are somewhat complicated, but if we assume that Eq. (49) holds in four-dimensional space without change, some of the relations in Eq. (58) reduce to

fori,j≤3, i̸=j, (60) and multiplying Eq. (60) by σi4 from the left or by σj4 from the right yields

σ4iσji = iσ4j, σijσ4j = iσi4 for i,j ≤ 3, i ̸= j. (61) Combining Eq. (60) and Eq. (61), we obtain the general expression:

σikσjk = iσij for three different index values. (62)


Like the case of n = 3, Eq. (62) provides the anticommutativity:

σikσjk = −σjkσik for three different index values. (63)

Let us see the last condition (46). As with the case of n = 3, Eq. (46) provides the anticommutativity (63) when two of the four indices have the same value. Therefore, it is only necessary to consider the case where all the indices i, j, k, l have different values. When all the indices are different, Eq. (62) yields the anticommutativity on indices as follows:

In a similar way, it follows that

σij σkl = −iσilσjlσkl = iσilσklσjl = −σilσkj . (64)

σkjσil = −σklσij, (65)

and adding Eq. (64) and Eq. (65), we obtain

σijσkl + σkjσil + σilσkj + σklσij = 0. (66)

Therefore, we do not have to consider the complicated condition (46) because it can be deduced from the more fundamental relation (62). By the same calculation as Eq. (64), we can show the following commutativity:

σijσkl = σklσij for four different index values. (67) This commutativity is important in considering matrix representation of σ.

In the case of n ≥ 5 Consider the case of n = N with N ≥ 5. Here, suppose that we have already obtained the following equation in (N − 1)-dimensional space:

σikσjk = iσij for three different index values. (68) Now, we inductively prove that Eq. (68) also holds in N-dimensional space if the relation σikσjk = iσij is assumed as

correct for the index subset i, j, k ≤ N − 1. In the case of i, j ̸= N , the left-hand side of Eq. (45) can be calculated as N (N−1 )

fori,j≤N−1, i̸=j, (69)


σikσjk = σikσjk +σiNσjN =i(N−3)σij +σiNσjN k=1


and the whole of Eq. (45) becomes

σiNσjN =iσij fori,j≤N−1, i̸=j.

Then, multiplication of this equation by σiN from the left or by σjN from the right yields


σNiσji = iσNj, σijσNj = iσiN for i,j ≤ N −1, i ̸= j. (71)

Combining Eq. (70) and Eq. (71), we know that Eq. (68) also holds in N-dimensional space, and by mathematical induction, it holds for all n ≥ 3. Note that the anticommutativity σikσjk = −σjkσik is automatically satisfied when Eq. (68) holds, and it leads Eq. (46).

σ2 =1, ij

σikσjk = iσij, σikσjk = −σjkσik,

(76), we can make sure that the following commutation relation holds:

[σij,σkl ] = 2i(δikσjl + δilσkj + δjkσli + δjlσik). (77)

For arbitrary dimensions, the components of the Hermitian operator σ has the following algebraic structure: σij = −σji,

(72) fori̸=j, (73) for three different index values, (74) for three different index values, (75) for four different index values. (76)

σijσkl = σklσij,

Equations (75) and (76) are derivative of Eq. (74), but we leave them written down for convenience. From Eqs. (72)–


If we define an operator S as

S = 􏰀2 σ, (78)

it satisfies the angular momentum commutation relation:

[Sij,Skl ] = i􏰀(δikSjl + δilSkj + δjkSli + δjlSik). (79)

In the case of n = 3, the operator S is identified with spin of ordinary quantum mechanics. Note that S does not satisfy a relation similar to Eq. (12) when all the four indices i, j, k, l have different values.


We represent the components of σ by matrices in such a way as to hold the algebraic structure (72)–(76).

General properties We will see the general properties of a matrix σij before studying matrix representation concretely. First and most obviously, σij is a Hermitian matrix. In addition, σij must be a unitary matrix because the matrix version of Eq. (73),

σ2 =I (80) ij

gives σ −1 = σij = σ † . Note that the imaginary unit i in Eq. (74) prevents all components being real matrices for

ij ij

n ≥ 3.

Hermitian matrices can always be diagonalized by proper unitary matrices. Here, we use the notation U for a

unitary matrix which diagonalizes σij. Multiplication of Eq. (80) by U,U−1 yields

(U−1σijU)(U−1σijU) = I. (81)

This equation indicates that the eigenvalues of σij are 1 or −1 only. For n ≥ 3, making use of Eqs. (73) and (75) yields

σij = σijσjkσjk = −σjkσijσjk. (82) With the trace property tr (AB) = tr (BA), the trace of Eq. (82) is given by

trσij = −trσij, (83)

and we obtain

trσij =0 forn≥3. (84) Note that this traceless property prevents us from using ±I as components of σ. The traceless property also holds

for diagonalized σij:

tr(U−1σijU) = 0 for n ≥ 3. (85) This implies that the number of eigenvalue 1 is equal to that of −1, and the order of matrices must be an even number

for n ≥ 3. When the order of σij is given by 2k, the determinant is calculated as

detσij = det(U−1σijU) = (−1)k. (86)

Here, we prove that a representation matrix of a certain component σij must be different from representation matrices of all the other components of σ. For n ≥ 3, there exist two independent components σij and σkl ({i, j} ̸= {k,l}), and temporarily suppose that both are represented by the same matrix. This assumption implies that the matrices σij and σkl are commutative and it means that all the four indices i, j, k, l must be different from one another because of Eqs. (75) and (76). In three-dimensional space, where we can never select four different index values, the necessity of four different values is apparent contradiction and it suggests that the initial assumption is wrong. In the case of n ≥ 5, we can always pick out four different indices i,j,k,l without problems, and in addition, one more different index m. With these five different indices, we can image three independent components σij,σkl,σlm.


From Eqs. (75) and (76), the three components must satisfy the following commutation relation and anticommutation relation:

σijσlm = σlmσij, σklσlm = −σlmσkl. (87) Now, remember σij = σkl as matrices, and then Eq. (87) becomes

σijσlm =σlmσij, σijσlm =−σlmσij, (88)

and these yield

σijσlm =0. (89) The multiplication of Eq. (89) by σlm from the right gives

σij = 0. (90)

However, the zero matrix cannot satisfy Eq. (73), and it indicates that the initial assumption σij = σkl is wrong. Thus all the representation matrices must be different from one another except the case n = 4.

To summarize the above, a representation matrix σij has the following properties: • Both Hermitian and unitary matrix: σij = σ † = σ −1 ;

ij ij

• For n ≥ 3, σij is an even order matrix and is not the identity matrix;

• For n ≥ 3, when the order of σij is 2k, the trace and determinant are given by tr(σij) = 0, det(σij) = (−1)k;

• Except n = 4, the representation matrix of σij is different from those of all the other components.

In the following, we will concretely seek representation matrices of σij in low-dimensional spaces (n = 3, 4, 5, 6). We are particularly interested in constant representation, which does not depend on any parameters. Once a certain representation is found, then other representations will be generated by unitary transformations of the representation because the algebraic structure (72)–(76) is preserved under unitary transformations.

In the case of n = 3 In three-dimensional space, the possible orders of representation matrices are 2, 4, 6, . . . . For simplicity, we seek 2 × 2 matrix representation first. Larger size matrices are examined only when suitable representations cannot be found within 2 × 2 matrices.

In general, a traceless 2 × 2 Hermitian matrix has the following form: []

p q+ir, (91) q − ir −p

where p, q, r are real numbers. The unitarity and the determinant −1 property both yield

p2 + q2 + r2 = 1. (92)

The three independent components σ12,σ13,σ23 must satisfy Eq. (74) and Eq. (92) simultaneously. As a trial, we fix

the form of the primary component σ12 to be diagonal:

σ12=σz= 1 0 , (93)

0 −1

where σz is the Pauli matrices notation (56). The remaining two components σ13,σ23 must be determined so that both anticommute with σ12. The anticommutator between σ12 and the matrix (91) is


1 0 p q+ir + p q+ir 1 0 = 2p 0 . (94) 0−1q−ir−p q−ir−p 0−1 02p

This equation tells that σ13 and σ23 cannot have the diagonal entries (p = 0). Taking account of the correspondence to the Pauli matrices, we decide to choose the matrix σ23 as


σ23 = σx = 0 1 . (95) 10

From the relation σ13 = iσ12σ23, the form of σ13 is automatically settled as []

σ13=−σy= 0 i . (96) −i 0

We can make sure that the set of the three matrices σ12,σ13,σ23 satisfies Eq. (74) properly.



In the case of n = 4 In four-dimensional space, σ has six independent components. Like the three-dimensional space, we try to seek representation within the limits of 2 × 2 matrices.

First, for the subset σ12 , σ13 , σ23 , we elect to use the same representation as n = 3:

σ12 =σz, σ13 =−σy, σ23 =σx. (97)

The remaining components σ14,σ24,σ34 must have the matrix form (91) also. From the condition (76), we can see that σ34 commutes with σ12, and so consider the commutator between σ12 and the matrix (91):


1 0 p q+ir − p q+ir 1 0 = 0 2(q+ir) . (98) 0−1q−ir−p q−ir−p0−1−2(q−ir)0

This indicates that the non-diagonal entries of σ34 must be zero, and the form is restricted to []

p 0 , p=±1. (99) 0 −p

The case p = 1 leads the matrix equality σ34 = σ12, and the case p = −1 leads σ34 = σ21, but four-dimensional space exceptionally allows to assign one specific matrix to two or more components of σ. Here we choose the case p = 1:


σ34= 1 0 . 0 −1

The remaining components σ14 and σ24 are automatically determined as follows: []

σ14 = iσ13σ34 = 0 1 , 10


σ24 = iσ23σ34 = 0 −i . i0


(101) (102)

Direct calculation shows that the obtained matrices fulfill all the conditions (72)–(76).

In the case of n = 5, 6 In five-dimensional space, the four new components σ15, σ25, σ35, σ45 are added, and the

total number of independent components becomes ten. First of all, we must extend n = 4 representation σ12 =σz, σ13 =−σy, σ23 =σx,

σ14 =σx, σ24 =σy, σ34 =σz


to suitable form, because in five-dimensional or higher-dimensional space, it is forbidden to assign a certain matrix to two or more components of σ. To this end, we raise the size of the matrices to 4 × 4.

The tensor product is a simple way to extend 2 × 2 matrices to 4 × 4. Generally, the tensor product of a p × q matrix A = [aij] and an r × s matrix B = [bij] is the pr × qs matrix with the following form:


a11B ... a1qB A ⊗ B =  . . . . .

 . (104) Note that block matrix notation is used in this equation. The multiplication of two tensor products is calculated as

(A⊗B)(C ⊗D) = (AC)⊗(BD). The Hermitian conjugate of tensor product is

(A ⊗ B)† = A† ⊗ B†.

Using the tensor product, we simply extend the subset σ12, σ13, σ23 to 4 × 4 matrices as follows:

σ12 =σz ⊗I, σ13 =−σy ⊗I, σ23 =σx ⊗I,




ap1B ... apqB


where I is the identity matrix of size 2. For σ14,σ24,σ34, we choose the following representation so that six matrices are all different from one another:

σ14 =σx ⊗σz, σ24 =σy ⊗σz, σ34 =σz ⊗σz. (108)

We can make sure that matrices (107), (108) satisfy the n = 4 algebra properly.

Let us determine the remaining four components σ15, σ25, σ35, σ45 within the tensor product form of two Pauli

matrices. To begin with, note that σ45 is commutative with the matrices (107) and anticommutative with (108). It restricts the possible forms of σ45 to ±(I ⊗ σx) or ±(I ⊗ σy). Here we choose the following form in an arbitrary manner:

σ45 = I ⊗ σx. (109) With Eq. (105), the remaining components are automatically determined from the relation σi5 = iσi4σ45:

σ15 = −σx ⊗σy, σ25 = −σy ⊗σy, σ35 = −σz ⊗σy. (110)

In the same way as n = 5, we can find n = 6 matrices easily. If the above ten matrices are adopted without change, all we have to do is to set the remaining five components σ16, σ26, σ36, σ46, σ56 properly. Note that the last component σ56 commutes with the six matrices (107), (108). This commutativity restricts the possible forms of σ56 to ±(I ⊗ σz ), and here we choose

σ56 =I⊗σz. (111) From the relation σi6 = iσi5σ56, the remaining four components are automatically determined as

σ16 =σx ⊗σx, σ26 =σy ⊗σx, σ36 =σz ⊗σx, σ46 =I⊗σy. (112)

Now we have obtained all the matrices of n = 5, 6 with consideration of only a part of the necessary conditions. However, by calculation, we can check that all the conditions (72)–(76) are exhaustively satisfied. The result of n = 5, 6 is explicitly written as follows (no entries indicates 0):

σ12 = σz ⊗ I =

[1] [i] [1] 1−1 , σ13 = −σy ⊗ I = −i i , σ23=σx⊗I=1 1,

−1 −i 1

[ 1 ] [ −i ] [1]

−1 , σ24=σy⊗σz= i , σ34=σz⊗σz= −1 , 1 i −1

−1 −i 1 [i] [1] [i]


σ15=−σx⊗σy= −i , σ25=−σy⊗σy= −1 , σ35=−σz⊗σy=−i ,

i −1 −i −i 1 i

[ 1] [ −i] [1] 1 , σ26 = σy ⊗ σx = −i , σ36=σz⊗σx=1−1,

σ16 = σx ⊗ σx =

[1 ] [−i ] [1]


1 i −1

σ45=I⊗σx= 1 , σ46=I⊗σy= i , σ56=I⊗σz= −1 . 1 −i 1

1 i −1 Representation matrices in higher-dimensional spaces are given in Appendix.


Let us solve the eigenvalue problem of σ · L in four-dimensional space (n = 4). Here we adopt the 2 × 2 matrix representation (103). The operator σ·L is expressed as

or simply written as

σ·L =


L12 +L34 (L23 +L14)−i(L31 +L24) (L23 + L14) + i(L31 + L24) −(L12 + L34)


σ·L = M M− M+ −M






The eigenvalue equation is

M = L12 +L34, M± = (L23 +L14)±i(L31 +L24).



sections is valid, we will obtain eigenvalues λ = 􏰀l, −􏰀(l + 2). We will verify it in the following.

First we study the properties of M,M±. Using Eq. (10), we can make sure of the following commutation relations:

[M, M±] = ±2􏰀M±, [M+, M−] = 4􏰀M.

The anticommutation relation between M+ and M− is given by

M+M− + M−M+ = 2((L23 + L14)2 + (L31 + L24)2).

Further, adding M2, we notice the following equation,

M 2 + 12 (M+ M− + M− M+ ) = L2 + 2 (L12 L34 − L13 L24 + L14 L23 ),

and making use of Eq. (12), the anticommutation relation is rewritten as M+M− + M−M+ = 2L2 − 2M2.

The sum and difference of Eq. (118) and Eq. (121) provide

M+M− = L2 − M2 + 2􏰀M,

MM− u=λu, M+−Mv v

(116) where λ and v stand for the eigenvalue and eigenvector of σ·L respectively. If our consideration in the previous


(117) (118)




(122) (123)

L2 and M exist. A simultaneous eigenfunction y satisfies the following eigenvalue equations:

L2y = Λy, My = μy, (124)

where Λ and μ are eigenvalues. We have already known the eigenvalues of L2 in four-dimensional space, Λ = 􏰀2l(l+2) with l = 0, 1, 2, . . . , but we go forward without the knowledge here. The eigenfunction y is supposed to be normalized:

M−M+ = L2 − M2 − 2􏰀M.

From Eq. (11), it is obvious that L2 and M are commutative, and it implies that simultaneous eigenfunctions of

y2 dΩ = 1,

where S3 is the surface of the 3-sphere. Note that Λ never becomes negative because of


Eq. (124). From the commutation relation (11), M+y is obviously an eigenfunction of L2 with eigenvalue Λ: L2(M+y) = Λ(M+y).

With regard to the operator M , we obtain eigenvalue μ + 2􏰀 from Eq. (117): M(M+y) = (μ + 2􏰀)(M+y).

Similarly, M−y is one of the simultaneous eigenfunctions of L2 and M:

L2(M−y) = Λ(M−y), M(M−y) = (μ − 2􏰀)(M−y).


(126) Now we will show that a function M+y is one of the simultaneous eigenfunctions of L2 and M when y satisfies


Λ = y∗L2y dΩ = (Ly)∗· (Ly) dΩ ≥ 0. S3 S3



(129) (130)


Therefore, once we find some simultaneous eigenfunction y, then we can immediately find a series of simultaneous eigenfunctions M±y, M±2y, . . . with eigenvalues μ ± 2􏰀, μ ± 4􏰀, . . . . At a glance, there seem to exist an infinite number of simultaneous eigenfunctions for the operator M, and eigenvalue μ has no upper or lower limits. However they are not true, and eigenvalue μ is bounded as proved below. With the relation M+† = M− and Eq. (123), the integration of |M+y|2 is

and we know


M+y2 dΩ = y∗M−M+ydΩ = y∗(L2 −M2 −2􏰀M)ydΩ = Λ−μ2 −2􏰀μ, S3 S3 S3

Λ−μ2 −2􏰀μ≥0. Λ−μ2 +2􏰀μ≥0.







In the same way, the integration of |M−y|2 gives

Combining these two inequalities restricts the possible range of μ as


− Λ+􏰀2 +􏰀≤μ≤ Λ+􏰀2 −􏰀.

Note that it depends on eigenvalue Λ. To make Eq. (134) simpler, we introduce the abbreviations l and m as

and the inequality is rewritten as

Note l ≥ 0. The conflict between an infinite number of eigenfunctions and the boundedness of m can be eliminated as follows. Suppose eigenvalue m has the maximum value mmax and the minimum value mmin, and assume that the corresponding eigenfunctions ymax and ymin satisfy the following equations:

M+ymax = 0, M−ymin = 0. (137)

When these equations hold, Eq. (128) and (130) also hold trivially with the identically zero function for the outside range of Eq. (136), and the contradiction does not occur regardless of the number of M± operating times.

Using l, mmax instead of Λ, μmax, it is rewritten as

(mmax −l)(mmax +(l+2)) = 0.

Similarly for mmin, we obtain

(mmin +l)(mmin −(l+2)) = 0. From these equations, the maximum and minimum of m are determined as

mmax = l, mmin = −l.

􏰀l =

Λ + 􏰀2 − 􏰀, 􏰀m = μ,

−l ≤ m ≤ l.

For a certain Λ, substituting ymax and μmax = 􏰀mmax into inequality (131) yields the following equality: Λ − μ 2 − 2􏰀μ = 0.





max max

A series of M+ operation on ymin causes +2 increment for eigenvalue m at each time, and after several operations, the maximum eigenvalue mmax and the corresponding eigenfunction ymax must be obtained to be bounded above. Therefore the relation between mmax and mmin is written as mmax = mmin + 2k, where k = 0, 1, 2, . . . denotes the number of times of M+ operation, and inserting Eq. (141) into the relation yields

l = k = 0,1,2,.... (142) Namely, l is a non-negative integer and m is a two by two stepping integer which lies in −l ≤ m ≤ l.


With the use of l and m, we label a simultaneous eigenfunction of L2 and M as ylm:

L2ylm = 􏰀2l(l + 2)ylm, Mylm = 􏰀mylm. (143)

The state labeled l and m+2 can be obtained by M+ operation on ylm, but it is not normalized as is. From Eq. (131), we can see that M+ylm is related with normalized ylm+2 as

M+ylm = 􏰀 (l−m)(l+m+2) ylm+2,

where the real and positive phase is chosen. Similarly, M−ylm is related with normalized ylm−2 as √

M−ylm = 􏰀 (l+m)(l−m+2) ylm−2. We are ready to solve the original eigenvalue equation (116)

Mu + M−v = λu, M+u − Mv = λv.

Careful observation of Eq. (146) makes us notice the following solution: u = Aylm, v = Bylm+2,





(147) where A and B are some proper constants. Note that this solution also becomes an eigenstate of L2 with eigenvalue

􏰀2l(l + 2). In order to set the values of A, B, insert the solution (147) into Eq. (146), and it follows that √


􏰀mA+􏰀 (l+m+2)(l−m)B=λA, √

􏰀 (l−m)(l+m+2)A−􏰀(m+2)B=λB [√][]



(150) (151)

(152) (153)






√ λ − 􏰀m −􏰀 (l + m + 2)(l − m) −􏰀 (l−m)(l+m+2) λ+􏰀(m+2)


= 0.

For a non-trivial solution, the determinant of the matrix must become zero: (λ−􏰀l)(λ+􏰀(l+2)) = 0.

Therefore, as expected, we obtain the eigenvalues of σ·L as λ = 􏰀l, −􏰀(l + 2),

The relation between A and B are given by √

B = l − m A l+m+2

l = 0,1,2,....

for λ = 􏰀l, forλ=−􏰀(l+2).


l+m+2 A l−m

The absolute values of A, B are determined from the normalization condition ∫[u]∫()

and they become


l − m 2l + 2

A =

A =

for λ = 􏰀l,

[u∗v∗] v dΩ= S3


l + m + 2 , B = 2l + 2


l − m , B = − 2l + 2

u2+v2 dΩ=1,

l + m + 2 2l + 2

for λ = −􏰀(l + 2),

where real phase is chosen. Taken together, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the operator σ·L are [][√]


v =√2l+2 √l−my

u 1 l + m + 2 ylm


uv =√ 1 √ l−mylm 2l+2 − l+m+2ylm+2


This is the four-dimensional version of spin spherical harmonics.


l m+2 [][√]


We have investigated the analog of the spin angular momentum operator in general dimensional space. When the square of the orbital angular momentum operator was decomposed into the not squared operator σ·L, the spinlike operator σ emerged as the coefficient of L. Every property of σ was derived from the following identical equation:

σ·L (σ·L + 􏰀(n − 2)) = L2. (159)

This is the most important equation in this paper. The conditional equations directly obtained from the above equation have been somewhat complicated, and we transformed them into the simpler equations in such a way that relations for lower-dimensional subset were unchanged in higher-dimensional space. Then, by heuristic method, we found the concrete representation matrices in several low-dimensional spaces with attention to the restriction condition on the matrix form. Lastly, we solved the eigenvalue problem of σ·L in four-dimensional space and obtained the consistent eigenvalues.

In ordinary three-dimensional quantum mechanics, spin is assumed to be independent of orbital angular momentum. However, in our derivation of spin, σ always accompanies L, and we do not have to deal with the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of σ or spin S = 􏰀σ/2 directly. Spin or σ is nothing but a coefficient, and σ·L seems to be more fundamental existence. In a hydrogen-like atom, degenerate states of the electron are usually distinguish by both the orbital angular momentum quantum number and spin quantum number. However, in our new interpretation, the states can be distinguished by the orbital angular momentum quantum number 􏰀l, −􏰀(l + n − 2) only. The not squared operator σ·L enables us to unify spin into orbital angular momentum.


In the case of n ≥ 7, examples of σ matrices are given. The use of the Pauli matrices and tensor product makes it easy to find proper representations.

n = 7, 8

σ12 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ I,

σ14 =σx ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ15 =−σx ⊗σy ⊗σz, σ16 =σx ⊗σx ⊗σz, σ45 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ I,

σ17 = −σx ⊗ I ⊗ σy, σ47 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σx, σ18 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ σx, σ48 =I⊗σz ⊗σy, σ78 =I⊗I⊗σz

σ13=−σy⊗I⊗I, σ24 =σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ25 =−σy ⊗σy ⊗σz, σ26=σy⊗σx⊗σz, σ46=I⊗σy⊗I, σ27=−σy⊗I⊗σy, σ57=−I⊗σy⊗σx, σ28=σy⊗I⊗σx, σ58=−I⊗σy⊗σy,

σ23 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ I

σ34 = σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σz σ35 = −σz ⊗σy ⊗σz σ36=σz⊗σx⊗σz σ56=I⊗σz⊗I

σ37 =−σz ⊗I⊗σy σ67=I⊗σx⊗σx σ38=σz⊗I⊗σx σ68=I⊗σx⊗σy


n = 9, 10

σ12 =σz ⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ14 =σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ15 =−σx ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ16 =σx ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ45 =I⊗σx ⊗I⊗I,

σ17 =−σx ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz, σ47 =I⊗σz ⊗σx ⊗I, σ18 =σx ⊗I⊗σx ⊗σz, σ48 =I⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I, σ19 =−σx ⊗I⊗I⊗σy, σ49 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ110 =σx ⊗I⊗I⊗σx, σ410 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σy, σ78 =I⊗I⊗σz ⊗I, σ710 =−I⊗I⊗y⊗y,

n = 11,12

σ12 =σz ⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ14 =σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ15 =−σx ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ16 =σx ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ45 =I⊗σx ⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ17 =−σx ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ47 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σx ⊗ I ⊗ I,

σ18 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz , σ48 =I⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I⊗I,

σ19 = −σx ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σz , σ49 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σx ⊗ I,

σ 1 10 = σ x ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σ x ⊗ σ z , σ410 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I,

σ 1 11 = − σ x ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σ y , σ411 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σx, σ112 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx, σ412 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σy, σ78 = I ⊗ I ⊗ σz ⊗ I ⊗ I,

σ710 =−I⊗I⊗σy ⊗σy ⊗I, σ711 =−I⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ712=−I⊗I⊗σy⊗σz⊗σy, σ1011 = I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σx,

σ13 =−σy ⊗I⊗I⊗I, σ24 =σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ25 =−σy ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ26 =σy ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ46 =I⊗σy ⊗I⊗I,

σ27 =−σy ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz, σ57 =−I⊗σy ⊗σx ⊗I, σ28 =σy ⊗I⊗σx ⊗σz, σ58 =−I⊗σy ⊗σy ⊗I, σ29 =−σy ⊗I⊗I⊗σy, σ59 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ210 =σy ⊗I⊗I⊗σx, σ510 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σy, σ79 =−I⊗I⊗σy ⊗σx, σ810 =I⊗I⊗σx ⊗σy,

σ13 =−σy ⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ24 =σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ25 =−σy ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ26 =σy ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ46 =I⊗σy ⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ27 =−σy ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ57=−I⊗σy⊗σx⊗I⊗I, σ28=σy⊗I⊗σx⊗σz⊗σz, σ58=−I⊗σy⊗σy⊗I⊗I, σ29=−σy⊗I⊗I⊗σy⊗σz, σ59=−I⊗σy⊗σz⊗σx⊗I, σ210=σy⊗I⊗I⊗σx⊗σz, σ510 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I, σ211=−σy⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗σy, σ511 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ212=σy⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗σx, σ512=−I⊗σy⊗σz⊗σz⊗σy, σ79=−I⊗I⊗σy⊗σx⊗I, σ810=I⊗I⊗σx⊗σy⊗I, σ811=I⊗I⊗σx⊗σz⊗σx, σ812=I⊗I⊗σx⊗σz⊗σy, σ1012=I⊗I⊗I⊗σx⊗σy,

σ23 =σx ⊗I⊗I⊗I

σ34 =σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ35 =−σz ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz σ36 =σz ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz σ56 =I⊗σz ⊗I⊗I

σ37 =−σz ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz σ67 =I⊗σx ⊗σx ⊗I

σ38 =σz ⊗I⊗σx ⊗σz σ68 =I⊗σx ⊗σy ⊗I

σ39 =−σz ⊗I⊗I⊗σy σ69 =I⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σx σ310 =σz ⊗I⊗I⊗σx σ610 =I⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σy σ89 =I⊗I⊗σx ⊗σx σ910 =I⊗I⊗I⊗σz

σ23 =σx ⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗I

σ34 =σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ35 =−σz ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ36 =σz ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ56 =I⊗σz ⊗I⊗I⊗I

σ37 =−σz ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz σ67 =I⊗σx ⊗σx ⊗I⊗I

σ38 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz σ68 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σy ⊗ I ⊗ I

σ39 = −σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σz σ69 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σx ⊗ I σ310 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz σ610 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σy ⊗ I σ311 = −σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy σ611 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σx σ312 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx

σ612 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σy σ89 =I⊗I⊗σx ⊗σx ⊗I

σ910 = I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σz ⊗ I

σ911 = −I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σx σ912 = −I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σy σ1112 =I⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗σz


Theoretical derivation of spin

Takahiro Nomoto

Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan

In four-dimensional or higher-dimensional space, spin angular momentum is not known well. For instance, we are not sure how many components it has in four-dimensional space. In this paper, the spin properties are theoretically derived and investigated in general-dimensional space. Before studying spin, we review the orbital angular momentum properties first, because they are theoretically well known even in higher-dimensional space. Then, for the orbital angular momentum, we make a special but natural assumption, and see that it leads a quantity similar to spin or Pauli matrices. It is remarkable that all the spin properties are derived from the one and only one assumption. Consistency of our consideration is checked by calculating the four-dimensional version of spin spherical harmonics and its eigenvalues. This theory may enable us to understand the double degeneracy of spin-1/2 particles without bringing in something called spin.


We summarize the orbital angular momentum properties in general-dimensional space before considering spin.

In n-dimensional space (hereafter n always denotes the dimension of the space), orbital angular momentum L is defined by the wedge product of position x and momentum p:

L = x ∧ p. (1) By the standard basis of Euclidean space, 2-vector L can be expanded as

(∑n )(∑n )∑n L= xiei ∧ pjej =

i=1 j=1

and using anticommutativity ei ∧ ej = −ej ∧ ei, it is rewritten as

1 ∑n

Lij ei ∧ ej


L = 2

Lij =xipj −xjpi.

i,j =1

(4) In n-dimensional space, the number of independent components of L is n(n − 1)/2 because of the antisymmetricity

of Lij:

Lij = −Lji. (5) The inner product of two general 2-vectors A = ∑ Aij ei ∧ ej , B = ∑ Bij ei ∧ ej is a scalar, and if an orthonormal


A·B = B·A =

Note the commutativity of the inner product. The inner product of L with itself is given by

1 ∑n

L2 =L·L= L2. (7)

basis is chosen, it can be calculated as

∑n i,j =1

(AijBij − AijBji). (6)

In quantum mechanics, x and p become operators, and L also becomes an operator, for example, it is represented as


Lij =−i􏰀 xi∂x −xj∂x . (8)


2 ij i,j =1

xipjei ∧ej, (2) i,j=1


From canonical commutation relation

[xi,pj] = i􏰀δij, (9) we obtain the commutation relation between arbitrary two components of L:

[Lij,Lkl] = i􏰀(δikLjl + δilLkj + δjkLli + δjlLik). (10) Using this commutation relation, we can show the commutativity of Lij and L2:

[Lij,L2] = 0. (11) We can also see that Lij satisfies the following identical equation:

LijLkl − LikLjl + LilLjk = −i􏰀(δijLkl − δikLjl + δilLjk). (12) The eigenvalue problem of L2 can be solved analytically. The eigenvalues are given by

􏰀2l(l + n − 2), l = 0,1,2,.... (13) II. DERIVATION OF SPIN

In Eq. (13), the values of l are set to non-negative integers, but there is no necessity to do so. For instance, in three-dimensional space (n = 3), when an eigenvalue of L2 is provided by l(l + 1)􏰀2 = 6􏰀2, we can adopt l = −3 as well as l = 2. Both non-negative and negative integers are acceptable as values of l. However, in practical problems, we do not need to mind if l is negative or non-negative, because information about the sign of l never appears in the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of L2. The theory of L2 has the complete symmetry with respect to the interchange of l and −(l + n − 2). In Eq. (13), we just take non-negative l for convenience and this is the usual manner.

Nevertheless, in this paper, we would really like to distinguish between non-negative l and negative −(l + n − 2). To this end, we presume that there exists a new operator which simultaneously has both the eigenvalues, 􏰀l and −􏰀(l + n − 2). This assumption implies some kind of symmetry breaking between l and −(l + n − 2), but it is known that this symmetry is never broken as long as we see the square operator L2. Thus we suppose that there exists a not squared orbital angular momentum operator. The beingness of the not squared operator is the only and essential postulate of this theory.

Let us seek the not squared orbital angular momentum operator. The only clue we know is the eigenvalues of the operator:

􏰀l, −􏰀(l + n − 2), l = 0,1,2,.... (14)

These eigenvalues have the dimension equivalent to the angular momentum. Note that the operator we are looking for is not L itself, because L is a 2-vector operator and its eigenvalues must be 2-vector also. Scalar eigenvalues (14) require an operator with scalar form. Therefore, using the inner product of 2-vectors, we assume the form of the operator as


σ·L (15)

1 ∑n

σ = 2

where σ is an undetermined 2-vector operator. In general, the components of σ do not need to have the antisym-


σij = −σji, (17)

but using the anticommutativity of wedge product, we can always make σ to be antisymmetric. In fact, if we transform Eq. (16) as

σ = 21 ∑n 12(σij −σji)ei ∧ej (18) i,j =1

i,j =1

σij ei ∧ ej , (16)


3 and regard (σij −σji)/2 as a new component of σ, the obtained new components have the antisymmetricity. Hereafter

we always assume the antisymmetricity of σij. Using Eq. (6), we rewrite Eq. (15) as

1 ∑n

σ·L = 2

In the rest of this section, we fix the form of the not squared operator as Eq. (19) and study the properties of the undetermined coefficient σ.

From Eq. (14), it is obvious that the eigenvalues of σ·L are real numbers. This means that σ·L is Hermitian: σ·L = (σ·L)†. (20)

The commutativity of the inner product requires

and Eq. (20) yields

σ·L = L·σ, (21)

i,j =1

σ·L = σ†·L. (22) To make this relation hold, we just take σ as a Hermitian operator:

σ = σ†. (23)

This is the first property of σ.

Practical measurement and observation of σ·L for a certain eigenstate permits us to know the eigenvalue of L2 for

the same state. For instance, in three-dimensional space, when eigenvalue −3􏰀 is obtained by measurement of σ·L, we will always obtain eigenvalue 6􏰀2 in the succeeding L2 measurement for the same state. This indicates that σ·L and L2 can be observed simultaneously and it is mathematically written as

[σ·L, L2] = 0. (24) In order to make this commutation relation hold, we require more fundamental or strong commutation relation:

[σij,Lkl] = 0, i,j,k,l = 1,...,n. (25)

This commutation relation suggests that σij is like a constant; in other words, σij does not contain position xk or differential operator ∂/∂xk (see Eq. (8)). This constant assumption is not so artificial because σ·L is thought to be a scalar version of L, and σij seems to be corresponding to ei ∧ ej in Eq. (3), which is also like a constant in Euclidean space (compare the right-hand sides of Eq. (3) and Eq. (19)). To prove Eq. (25) yielding Eq. (24), we expand the left-hand side of Eq. (24) as

[σ·L,L2]= 1 ∑n (σ [L ,L2]+[σ ,L2]L ). (26) 2ijij ijij

i,j =1

From Eqs. (11) and (25), this expression immediately becomes zero. The commutation relation (25) is the second property of σ.

Lastly, let us see the most important relation which characterizes σ. Two identities

(􏰀l)2 +􏰀(n−2)(􏰀l) = 􏰀2l(l+n−2),

( )2 ( )2 (27)

−􏰀(l+n−2) +􏰀(n−2) −􏰀(l+n−2) = 􏰀 l(l+n−2) imply that the following operator identity holds:

(σ·L)2 +􏰀(n−2)σ·L=L2. (28)

The operator σ should be determined such that it satisfies Eq. (28). In order to be able to compare the both sides of the equation, we will represent L by position x and momentum p. First, we expand the right-hand side of Eq. (28) as

2 1∑n

(xipj − xjpi)(xipj − xjpi) =

∑n i,j =1

(xipjxipj − xipjxjpi). (29)

L = 2

i,j =1

σijLij. (19)

Then we use the canonical commutation relation (9) so as to move all xk to the left of pk, as follows:

L2 =

In the same manner, the left-hand side of Eq. (28) is expanded as



Now, we divide the first summation about k, l into two parts.


  1. 􏰀(n − 2)σ·L = 4 =

σijσklLijLkl + σijσklxipjxkpl + 􏰀(n − 2)

σijLij σijxipj


i,j=1 {k,l} ̸={i,j }


∑n ∑n

i=1 k=1 Then, using Eq. (35), we obtain

∑n σσ−i(n−2)σ xp=(n−1) xp.

σ2(xxpp −xxpp)+

σ σ xxpp = ij kl i k j l


xipj = (n − 1)

(xxpp −xxpp),


i i j j i j i j

i i j j

i j i j

σikσjk − i(n − 2)σij Equation (33) provides the two conditions:


∑n (∑n i,j=1 k=1

∑n i=1

∑n i,j =1

∑n i=1

1 ∑n


For Eq. (34), we divide the summation about j into two parts, j = i and j ̸= i:

σ2xp+ ikii


ij ij


(xixipjpj − xixjpipj) + i􏰀(n − 1)



σ2 =1 fori̸=j, ij

∑n ∑ i,j=1 {k,l}

̸={i,j }

∑ ( ∑n







σikσjk − i(n − 2)σij

This equation holds only when each coefficient of all xipj is equal to zero, that is,

∑n k=1

i̸=j k=1

σijσklxixkpjpl = 0.

σikσjk = i(n − 2)σij for i ̸= j.

xipj = 0.


other does not contain them: (σ·L)2+􏰀(n−2)σ·L=

∑n i,j=1

σ2(xxpp −xxpp)+

∑n ∑ i,j=1 {k,l}

σ σ xxpp

i,j,k,l=1 ∑n


i,j=1 ∑n


∑n ∑n ∑n


= σijσklxixkpjpl + i􏰀

σikσjkxipj + 􏰀(n − 2) σijxipj. i,j,k=1 i,j=1

One contains the cases (k, l) = (i, j), (j, i)

(31) and the




(35) (36)




Comparing Eq. (32) with Eq. (30), we obtain the two identities:

∑n ∑n∑∑n


i i j j

i j i j

ij kl i k j l

  1. i􏰀

∑n (∑n i,j=1 k=1

̸={i,j }

σikσjk − i(n − 2)σij



The same is true of Eq. (36), namely, all the coefficients of xixkpjpl must be zero. However in this case, we must take care the commutativity of xi and xk, or pj and pl. The coefficient of xixkpjpl is not σijσkl only but (σijσkl + σkjσil + σilσkj + σklσij). With attention to the summation indices range, Eq. (36) provides the following condition:

σijσkl + σkjσil + σilσkj + σklσij = 0 for three or four different index values. (40)

Summarizing all the above, we have obtained the following properties of σ: σ = σ†,

Equation (45) provides

and these are put together as

σ12, σ13, σ23. (48)

σ23σ13 = iσ21,

σ32σ12 = iσ31, (49)

σ31σ21 = iσ32,

σikσjk = iσij for three different index values. (50)

∑n k=1

[σij,Lkl] = 0,

σij = −σji,

σ2 =1, ij

(41) i,j,k,l = 1,...,n, (42) i,j = 1,...,n, (43) for i ̸= j, (44)

for i ̸= j, (45) for three or four different index values. (46)

σikσjk = i(n − 2)σij,

σijσkl +σkjσil +σilσkj +σklσij =0,

These are the most general properties of σ, though Eqs. (45) and (46) are somewhat complicated. We will simplify these two conditions in the next section.


Equation (45) contains the summation symbol

though it disappears in low-dimensional space. Therefore, we examine the algebraic structure of σ especially in low- dimensional space. As a matter of fact, this low-dimensional simplicity can be inherited to higher-dimensional space if we keep the low-dimensional expressions unchanged. In this section, we will seek a simpler alternative to Eq. (45) by mathematical induction.

In the case of n = 2 In two-dimensional space, σ12 is the only significant component of σ. The remaining components are not independent: σ11 = σ22 = 0, σ21 = −σ12. Among the above equations (41)–(46), non-trivial conditions are the first four, and in particular, the condition (44) is important:

σ2 =1. (47) 12

As a concrete σ12, we can take the identity operator for example, which is Hermitian, commutes with L and satisfies Eq. (44).

12 12

. This summation is troublesome in high-dimensional space,

Rather, we had better not introduce σ in two-dimensional space, where L12 is the only independent component of L, and L2 is simply written as L2 . The reason is made clear by observing two-dimensional subspace of three-


dimensional space. In ordinary three-dimensional quantum mechanics, we usually write L12 as Lz and its eigenvalue

as 􏰀m with m = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . , and we do not see the square operator Lz2 and the square eigenvalue 􏰀2m2 (􏰀2m2 corresponds to eigenvalue (13)). Not to mention, we never introduce σ to distinguish between non-negative m and negative −m with the restriction m ≥ 0. The same goes for pure two-dimensional space, and there is no need to use the square operator L 2 = L 2 or to introduce σ. We have only to use L from the beginning.

In the case of n = 3 This case corresponds to ordinary quantum mechanics. The operator σ has three independent components:

σ13σ23 = iσ12, σ12σ32 = iσ13, σ21σ31 = iσ23,


From this relation and the antisymmetricity (43), we find

σikσjk = iσij = −iσji = −σjkσik (51)

and obtain the anticommutativity

σikσjk = −σjkσik for three different index values. (52)

With regard to Eq. (46), it also leads the anticommutativity (52) as proved in the following. In three-dimensional space, there are not more than three different index values, and it reduces Eq. (46) to the following non-trivial two cases. One is l = k

and the other is l = j

σij σkk + σkj σik + σik σkj + σkk σij = 0 for three different index values, (53)

σij σkj + σkj σij + σij σkj + σkj σij = 0 for three different index values. (54)

It is obvious that both cases yield Eq. (52), and we know that the complicated conditions (45) and (46) are reduced to the simple condition (50).

The operator σ can be represented by Pauli matrices (σx,σy,σz) if we set

σ12 =σz, σ13 =−σy, σ23 =σx (55)


In the case of n = 4

Equation (45) provides


σx = 0 1 , σy = 0 −i , σz = 1 0 . (56) 1 0 i 0 0 −1

In four-dimensional space, the operator σ has the six independent components: σ12, σ13, σ14, σ23, σ24, σ34.



σ14σ24 = iσ12, σ14σ34 = iσ13, σ24σ34 = iσ23,

Then, these six equations can be expressed as

σi4σj4 =iσij

σ24σ14 = iσ21,

σ34σ14 = iσ31, (59)

σ34σ24 = iσ32.

σ13 σ23 σ12 σ32 σ12 σ42 σ21 σ31 σ21 σ41 σ31 σ41

  1. σ14 σ24 + σ14 σ34 + σ13 σ43 + σ24 σ34 + σ23 σ43 + σ32 σ42

= 2iσ12 , = 2iσ13 , = 2iσ14 , = 2iσ23 , = 2iσ24 , = 2iσ34 ,

σ23 σ13 σ32 σ12 σ42 σ12 σ31 σ21 σ41 σ21 σ41 σ31

  1. σ24 σ14 + σ34 σ14 + σ43 σ13 + σ34 σ24 + σ43 σ23 + σ42 σ32

= 2iσ21 , = 2iσ31 , = 2iσ41 , = 2iσ32 , = 2iσ42 , = 2iσ43 .

These relations are somewhat complicated, but if we assume that Eq. (49) holds in four-dimensional space without change, some of the relations in Eq. (58) reduce to

fori,j≤3, i̸=j, (60) and multiplying Eq. (60) by σi4 from the left or by σj4 from the right yields

σ4iσji = iσ4j, σijσ4j = iσi4 for i,j ≤ 3, i ̸= j. (61) Combining Eq. (60) and Eq. (61), we obtain the general expression:

σikσjk = iσij for three different index values. (62)


Like the case of n = 3, Eq. (62) provides the anticommutativity:

σikσjk = −σjkσik for three different index values. (63)

Let us see the last condition (46). As with the case of n = 3, Eq. (46) provides the anticommutativity (63) when two of the four indices have the same value. Therefore, it is only necessary to consider the case where all the indices i, j, k, l have different values. When all the indices are different, Eq. (62) yields the anticommutativity on indices as follows:

In a similar way, it follows that

σij σkl = −iσilσjlσkl = iσilσklσjl = −σilσkj . (64)

σkjσil = −σklσij, (65)

and adding Eq. (64) and Eq. (65), we obtain

σijσkl + σkjσil + σilσkj + σklσij = 0. (66)

Therefore, we do not have to consider the complicated condition (46) because it can be deduced from the more fundamental relation (62). By the same calculation as Eq. (64), we can show the following commutativity:

σijσkl = σklσij for four different index values. (67) This commutativity is important in considering matrix representation of σ.

In the case of n ≥ 5 Consider the case of n = N with N ≥ 5. Here, suppose that we have already obtained the following equation in (N − 1)-dimensional space:

σikσjk = iσij for three different index values. (68) Now, we inductively prove that Eq. (68) also holds in N-dimensional space if the relation σikσjk = iσij is assumed as

correct for the index subset i, j, k ≤ N − 1. In the case of i, j ̸= N , the left-hand side of Eq. (45) can be calculated as N (N−1 )

fori,j≤N−1, i̸=j, (69)


σikσjk = σikσjk +σiNσjN =i(N−3)σij +σiNσjN k=1


and the whole of Eq. (45) becomes

σiNσjN =iσij fori,j≤N−1, i̸=j.

Then, multiplication of this equation by σiN from the left or by σjN from the right yields


σNiσji = iσNj, σijσNj = iσiN for i,j ≤ N −1, i ̸= j. (71)

Combining Eq. (70) and Eq. (71), we know that Eq. (68) also holds in N-dimensional space, and by mathematical induction, it holds for all n ≥ 3. Note that the anticommutativity σikσjk = −σjkσik is automatically satisfied when Eq. (68) holds, and it leads Eq. (46).

σ2 =1, ij

σikσjk = iσij, σikσjk = −σjkσik,

(76), we can make sure that the following commutation relation holds:

[σij,σkl ] = 2i(δikσjl + δilσkj + δjkσli + δjlσik). (77)

For arbitrary dimensions, the components of the Hermitian operator σ has the following algebraic structure: σij = −σji,

(72) fori̸=j, (73) for three different index values, (74) for three different index values, (75) for four different index values. (76)

σijσkl = σklσij,

Equations (75) and (76) are derivative of Eq. (74), but we leave them written down for convenience. From Eqs. (72)–


If we define an operator S as

S = 􏰀2 σ, (78)

it satisfies the angular momentum commutation relation:

[Sij,Skl ] = i􏰀(δikSjl + δilSkj + δjkSli + δjlSik). (79)

In the case of n = 3, the operator S is identified with spin of ordinary quantum mechanics. Note that S does not satisfy a relation similar to Eq. (12) when all the four indices i, j, k, l have different values.


We represent the components of σ by matrices in such a way as to hold the algebraic structure (72)–(76).

General properties We will see the general properties of a matrix σij before studying matrix representation concretely. First and most obviously, σij is a Hermitian matrix. In addition, σij must be a unitary matrix because the matrix version of Eq. (73),

σ2 =I (80) ij

gives σ −1 = σij = σ † . Note that the imaginary unit i in Eq. (74) prevents all components being real matrices for

ij ij

n ≥ 3.

Hermitian matrices can always be diagonalized by proper unitary matrices. Here, we use the notation U for a

unitary matrix which diagonalizes σij. Multiplication of Eq. (80) by U,U−1 yields

(U−1σijU)(U−1σijU) = I. (81)

This equation indicates that the eigenvalues of σij are 1 or −1 only. For n ≥ 3, making use of Eqs. (73) and (75) yields

σij = σijσjkσjk = −σjkσijσjk. (82) With the trace property tr (AB) = tr (BA), the trace of Eq. (82) is given by

trσij = −trσij, (83)

and we obtain

trσij =0 forn≥3. (84) Note that this traceless property prevents us from using ±I as components of σ. The traceless property also holds

for diagonalized σij:

tr(U−1σijU) = 0 for n ≥ 3. (85) This implies that the number of eigenvalue 1 is equal to that of −1, and the order of matrices must be an even number

for n ≥ 3. When the order of σij is given by 2k, the determinant is calculated as

detσij = det(U−1σijU) = (−1)k. (86)

Here, we prove that a representation matrix of a certain component σij must be different from representation matrices of all the other components of σ. For n ≥ 3, there exist two independent components σij and σkl ({i, j} ̸= {k,l}), and temporarily suppose that both are represented by the same matrix. This assumption implies that the matrices σij and σkl are commutative and it means that all the four indices i, j, k, l must be different from one another because of Eqs. (75) and (76). In three-dimensional space, where we can never select four different index values, the necessity of four different values is apparent contradiction and it suggests that the initial assumption is wrong. In the case of n ≥ 5, we can always pick out four different indices i,j,k,l without problems, and in addition, one more different index m. With these five different indices, we can image three independent components σij,σkl,σlm.


From Eqs. (75) and (76), the three components must satisfy the following commutation relation and anticommutation relation:

σijσlm = σlmσij, σklσlm = −σlmσkl. (87) Now, remember σij = σkl as matrices, and then Eq. (87) becomes

σijσlm =σlmσij, σijσlm =−σlmσij, (88)

and these yield

σijσlm =0. (89) The multiplication of Eq. (89) by σlm from the right gives

σij = 0. (90)

However, the zero matrix cannot satisfy Eq. (73), and it indicates that the initial assumption σij = σkl is wrong. Thus all the representation matrices must be different from one another except the case n = 4.

To summarize the above, a representation matrix σij has the following properties: • Both Hermitian and unitary matrix: σij = σ † = σ −1 ;

ij ij

• For n ≥ 3, σij is an even order matrix and is not the identity matrix;

• For n ≥ 3, when the order of σij is 2k, the trace and determinant are given by tr(σij) = 0, det(σij) = (−1)k;

• Except n = 4, the representation matrix of σij is different from those of all the other components.

In the following, we will concretely seek representation matrices of σij in low-dimensional spaces (n = 3, 4, 5, 6). We are particularly interested in constant representation, which does not depend on any parameters. Once a certain representation is found, then other representations will be generated by unitary transformations of the representation because the algebraic structure (72)–(76) is preserved under unitary transformations.

In the case of n = 3 In three-dimensional space, the possible orders of representation matrices are 2, 4, 6, . . . . For simplicity, we seek 2 × 2 matrix representation first. Larger size matrices are examined only when suitable representations cannot be found within 2 × 2 matrices.

In general, a traceless 2 × 2 Hermitian matrix has the following form: []

p q+ir, (91) q − ir −p

where p, q, r are real numbers. The unitarity and the determinant −1 property both yield

p2 + q2 + r2 = 1. (92)

The three independent components σ12,σ13,σ23 must satisfy Eq. (74) and Eq. (92) simultaneously. As a trial, we fix

the form of the primary component σ12 to be diagonal:

σ12=σz= 1 0 , (93)

0 −1

where σz is the Pauli matrices notation (56). The remaining two components σ13,σ23 must be determined so that both anticommute with σ12. The anticommutator between σ12 and the matrix (91) is


1 0 p q+ir + p q+ir 1 0 = 2p 0 . (94) 0−1q−ir−p q−ir−p 0−1 02p

This equation tells that σ13 and σ23 cannot have the diagonal entries (p = 0). Taking account of the correspondence to the Pauli matrices, we decide to choose the matrix σ23 as


σ23 = σx = 0 1 . (95) 10

From the relation σ13 = iσ12σ23, the form of σ13 is automatically settled as []

σ13=−σy= 0 i . (96) −i 0

We can make sure that the set of the three matrices σ12,σ13,σ23 satisfies Eq. (74) properly.



In the case of n = 4 In four-dimensional space, σ has six independent components. Like the three-dimensional space, we try to seek representation within the limits of 2 × 2 matrices.

First, for the subset σ12 , σ13 , σ23 , we elect to use the same representation as n = 3:

σ12 =σz, σ13 =−σy, σ23 =σx. (97)

The remaining components σ14,σ24,σ34 must have the matrix form (91) also. From the condition (76), we can see that σ34 commutes with σ12, and so consider the commutator between σ12 and the matrix (91):


1 0 p q+ir − p q+ir 1 0 = 0 2(q+ir) . (98) 0−1q−ir−p q−ir−p0−1−2(q−ir)0

This indicates that the non-diagonal entries of σ34 must be zero, and the form is restricted to []

p 0 , p=±1. (99) 0 −p

The case p = 1 leads the matrix equality σ34 = σ12, and the case p = −1 leads σ34 = σ21, but four-dimensional space exceptionally allows to assign one specific matrix to two or more components of σ. Here we choose the case p = 1:


σ34= 1 0 . 0 −1

The remaining components σ14 and σ24 are automatically determined as follows: []

σ14 = iσ13σ34 = 0 1 , 10


σ24 = iσ23σ34 = 0 −i . i0


(101) (102)

Direct calculation shows that the obtained matrices fulfill all the conditions (72)–(76).

In the case of n = 5, 6 In five-dimensional space, the four new components σ15, σ25, σ35, σ45 are added, and the

total number of independent components becomes ten. First of all, we must extend n = 4 representation σ12 =σz, σ13 =−σy, σ23 =σx,

σ14 =σx, σ24 =σy, σ34 =σz


to suitable form, because in five-dimensional or higher-dimensional space, it is forbidden to assign a certain matrix to two or more components of σ. To this end, we raise the size of the matrices to 4 × 4.

The tensor product is a simple way to extend 2 × 2 matrices to 4 × 4. Generally, the tensor product of a p × q matrix A = [aij] and an r × s matrix B = [bij] is the pr × qs matrix with the following form:


a11B ... a1qB A ⊗ B =  . . . . .

 . (104) Note that block matrix notation is used in this equation. The multiplication of two tensor products is calculated as

(A⊗B)(C ⊗D) = (AC)⊗(BD). The Hermitian conjugate of tensor product is

(A ⊗ B)† = A† ⊗ B†.

Using the tensor product, we simply extend the subset σ12, σ13, σ23 to 4 × 4 matrices as follows:

σ12 =σz ⊗I, σ13 =−σy ⊗I, σ23 =σx ⊗I,




ap1B ... apqB


where I is the identity matrix of size 2. For σ14,σ24,σ34, we choose the following representation so that six matrices are all different from one another:

σ14 =σx ⊗σz, σ24 =σy ⊗σz, σ34 =σz ⊗σz. (108)

We can make sure that matrices (107), (108) satisfy the n = 4 algebra properly.

Let us determine the remaining four components σ15, σ25, σ35, σ45 within the tensor product form of two Pauli

matrices. To begin with, note that σ45 is commutative with the matrices (107) and anticommutative with (108). It restricts the possible forms of σ45 to ±(I ⊗ σx) or ±(I ⊗ σy). Here we choose the following form in an arbitrary manner:

σ45 = I ⊗ σx. (109) With Eq. (105), the remaining components are automatically determined from the relation σi5 = iσi4σ45:

σ15 = −σx ⊗σy, σ25 = −σy ⊗σy, σ35 = −σz ⊗σy. (110)

In the same way as n = 5, we can find n = 6 matrices easily. If the above ten matrices are adopted without change, all we have to do is to set the remaining five components σ16, σ26, σ36, σ46, σ56 properly. Note that the last component σ56 commutes with the six matrices (107), (108). This commutativity restricts the possible forms of σ56 to ±(I ⊗ σz ), and here we choose

σ56 =I⊗σz. (111) From the relation σi6 = iσi5σ56, the remaining four components are automatically determined as

σ16 =σx ⊗σx, σ26 =σy ⊗σx, σ36 =σz ⊗σx, σ46 =I⊗σy. (112)

Now we have obtained all the matrices of n = 5, 6 with consideration of only a part of the necessary conditions. However, by calculation, we can check that all the conditions (72)–(76) are exhaustively satisfied. The result of n = 5, 6 is explicitly written as follows (no entries indicates 0):

σ12 = σz ⊗ I =

[1] [i] [1] 1−1 , σ13 = −σy ⊗ I = −i i , σ23=σx⊗I=1 1,

−1 −i 1

[ 1 ] [ −i ] [1]

−1 , σ24=σy⊗σz= i , σ34=σz⊗σz= −1 , 1 i −1

−1 −i 1 [i] [1] [i]


σ15=−σx⊗σy= −i , σ25=−σy⊗σy= −1 , σ35=−σz⊗σy=−i ,

i −1 −i −i 1 i

[ 1] [ −i] [1] 1 , σ26 = σy ⊗ σx = −i , σ36=σz⊗σx=1−1,

σ16 = σx ⊗ σx =

[1 ] [−i ] [1]


1 i −1

σ45=I⊗σx= 1 , σ46=I⊗σy= i , σ56=I⊗σz= −1 . 1 −i 1

1 i −1 Representation matrices in higher-dimensional spaces are given in Appendix.


Let us solve the eigenvalue problem of σ · L in four-dimensional space (n = 4). Here we adopt the 2 × 2 matrix representation (103). The operator σ·L is expressed as

or simply written as

σ·L =


L12 +L34 (L23 +L14)−i(L31 +L24) (L23 + L14) + i(L31 + L24) −(L12 + L34)


σ·L = M M− M+ −M






The eigenvalue equation is

M = L12 +L34, M± = (L23 +L14)±i(L31 +L24).



sections is valid, we will obtain eigenvalues λ = 􏰀l, −􏰀(l + 2). We will verify it in the following.

First we study the properties of M,M±. Using Eq. (10), we can make sure of the following commutation relations:

[M, M±] = ±2􏰀M±, [M+, M−] = 4􏰀M.

The anticommutation relation between M+ and M− is given by

M+M− + M−M+ = 2((L23 + L14)2 + (L31 + L24)2).

Further, adding M2, we notice the following equation,

M 2 + 12 (M+ M− + M− M+ ) = L2 + 2 (L12 L34 − L13 L24 + L14 L23 ),

and making use of Eq. (12), the anticommutation relation is rewritten as M+M− + M−M+ = 2L2 − 2M2.

The sum and difference of Eq. (118) and Eq. (121) provide

M+M− = L2 − M2 + 2􏰀M,

MM− u=λu, M+−Mv v

(116) where λ and v stand for the eigenvalue and eigenvector of σ·L respectively. If our consideration in the previous


(117) (118)




(122) (123)

L2 and M exist. A simultaneous eigenfunction y satisfies the following eigenvalue equations:

L2y = Λy, My = μy, (124)

where Λ and μ are eigenvalues. We have already known the eigenvalues of L2 in four-dimensional space, Λ = 􏰀2l(l+2) with l = 0, 1, 2, . . . , but we go forward without the knowledge here. The eigenfunction y is supposed to be normalized:

M−M+ = L2 − M2 − 2􏰀M.

From Eq. (11), it is obvious that L2 and M are commutative, and it implies that simultaneous eigenfunctions of

y2 dΩ = 1,

where S3 is the surface of the 3-sphere. Note that Λ never becomes negative because of


Eq. (124). From the commutation relation (11), M+y is obviously an eigenfunction of L2 with eigenvalue Λ: L2(M+y) = Λ(M+y).

With regard to the operator M , we obtain eigenvalue μ + 2􏰀 from Eq. (117): M(M+y) = (μ + 2􏰀)(M+y).

Similarly, M−y is one of the simultaneous eigenfunctions of L2 and M:

L2(M−y) = Λ(M−y), M(M−y) = (μ − 2􏰀)(M−y).


(126) Now we will show that a function M+y is one of the simultaneous eigenfunctions of L2 and M when y satisfies


Λ = y∗L2y dΩ = (Ly)∗· (Ly) dΩ ≥ 0. S3 S3



(129) (130)


Therefore, once we find some simultaneous eigenfunction y, then we can immediately find a series of simultaneous eigenfunctions M±y, M±2y, . . . with eigenvalues μ ± 2􏰀, μ ± 4􏰀, . . . . At a glance, there seem to exist an infinite number of simultaneous eigenfunctions for the operator M, and eigenvalue μ has no upper or lower limits. However they are not true, and eigenvalue μ is bounded as proved below. With the relation M+† = M− and Eq. (123), the integration of |M+y|2 is

and we know


M+y2 dΩ = y∗M−M+ydΩ = y∗(L2 −M2 −2􏰀M)ydΩ = Λ−μ2 −2􏰀μ, S3 S3 S3

Λ−μ2 −2􏰀μ≥0. Λ−μ2 +2􏰀μ≥0.







In the same way, the integration of |M−y|2 gives

Combining these two inequalities restricts the possible range of μ as


− Λ+􏰀2 +􏰀≤μ≤ Λ+􏰀2 −􏰀.

Note that it depends on eigenvalue Λ. To make Eq. (134) simpler, we introduce the abbreviations l and m as

and the inequality is rewritten as

Note l ≥ 0. The conflict between an infinite number of eigenfunctions and the boundedness of m can be eliminated as follows. Suppose eigenvalue m has the maximum value mmax and the minimum value mmin, and assume that the corresponding eigenfunctions ymax and ymin satisfy the following equations:

M+ymax = 0, M−ymin = 0. (137)

When these equations hold, Eq. (128) and (130) also hold trivially with the identically zero function for the outside range of Eq. (136), and the contradiction does not occur regardless of the number of M± operating times.

Using l, mmax instead of Λ, μmax, it is rewritten as

(mmax −l)(mmax +(l+2)) = 0.

Similarly for mmin, we obtain

(mmin +l)(mmin −(l+2)) = 0. From these equations, the maximum and minimum of m are determined as

mmax = l, mmin = −l.

􏰀l =

Λ + 􏰀2 − 􏰀, 􏰀m = μ,

−l ≤ m ≤ l.

For a certain Λ, substituting ymax and μmax = 􏰀mmax into inequality (131) yields the following equality: Λ − μ 2 − 2􏰀μ = 0.





max max

A series of M+ operation on ymin causes +2 increment for eigenvalue m at each time, and after several operations, the maximum eigenvalue mmax and the corresponding eigenfunction ymax must be obtained to be bounded above. Therefore the relation between mmax and mmin is written as mmax = mmin + 2k, where k = 0, 1, 2, . . . denotes the number of times of M+ operation, and inserting Eq. (141) into the relation yields

l = k = 0,1,2,.... (142) Namely, l is a non-negative integer and m is a two by two stepping integer which lies in −l ≤ m ≤ l.


With the use of l and m, we label a simultaneous eigenfunction of L2 and M as ylm:

L2ylm = 􏰀2l(l + 2)ylm, Mylm = 􏰀mylm. (143)

The state labeled l and m+2 can be obtained by M+ operation on ylm, but it is not normalized as is. From Eq. (131), we can see that M+ylm is related with normalized ylm+2 as

M+ylm = 􏰀 (l−m)(l+m+2) ylm+2,

where the real and positive phase is chosen. Similarly, M−ylm is related with normalized ylm−2 as √

M−ylm = 􏰀 (l+m)(l−m+2) ylm−2. We are ready to solve the original eigenvalue equation (116)

Mu + M−v = λu, M+u − Mv = λv.

Careful observation of Eq. (146) makes us notice the following solution: u = Aylm, v = Bylm+2,





(147) where A and B are some proper constants. Note that this solution also becomes an eigenstate of L2 with eigenvalue

􏰀2l(l + 2). In order to set the values of A, B, insert the solution (147) into Eq. (146), and it follows that √


􏰀mA+􏰀 (l+m+2)(l−m)B=λA, √

􏰀 (l−m)(l+m+2)A−􏰀(m+2)B=λB [√][]



(150) (151)

(152) (153)






√ λ − 􏰀m −􏰀 (l + m + 2)(l − m) −􏰀 (l−m)(l+m+2) λ+􏰀(m+2)


= 0.

For a non-trivial solution, the determinant of the matrix must become zero: (λ−􏰀l)(λ+􏰀(l+2)) = 0.

Therefore, as expected, we obtain the eigenvalues of σ·L as λ = 􏰀l, −􏰀(l + 2),

The relation between A and B are given by √

B = l − m A l+m+2

l = 0,1,2,....

for λ = 􏰀l, forλ=−􏰀(l+2).


l+m+2 A l−m

The absolute values of A, B are determined from the normalization condition ∫[u]∫()

and they become


l − m 2l + 2

A =

A =

for λ = 􏰀l,

[u∗v∗] v dΩ= S3


l + m + 2 , B = 2l + 2


l − m , B = − 2l + 2

u2+v2 dΩ=1,

l + m + 2 2l + 2

for λ = −􏰀(l + 2),

where real phase is chosen. Taken together, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the operator σ·L are [][√]


v =√2l+2 √l−my

u 1 l + m + 2 ylm


uv =√ 1 √ l−mylm 2l+2 − l+m+2ylm+2


This is the four-dimensional version of spin spherical harmonics.


l m+2 [][√]


We have investigated the analog of the spin angular momentum operator in general dimensional space. When the square of the orbital angular momentum operator was decomposed into the not squared operator σ·L, the spinlike operator σ emerged as the coefficient of L. Every property of σ was derived from the following identical equation:

σ·L (σ·L + 􏰀(n − 2)) = L2. (159)

This is the most important equation in this paper. The conditional equations directly obtained from the above equation have been somewhat complicated, and we transformed them into the simpler equations in such a way that relations for lower-dimensional subset were unchanged in higher-dimensional space. Then, by heuristic method, we found the concrete representation matrices in several low-dimensional spaces with attention to the restriction condition on the matrix form. Lastly, we solved the eigenvalue problem of σ·L in four-dimensional space and obtained the consistent eigenvalues.

In ordinary three-dimensional quantum mechanics, spin is assumed to be independent of orbital angular momentum. However, in our derivation of spin, σ always accompanies L, and we do not have to deal with the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of σ or spin S = 􏰀σ/2 directly. Spin or σ is nothing but a coefficient, and σ·L seems to be more fundamental existence. In a hydrogen-like atom, degenerate states of the electron are usually distinguish by both the orbital angular momentum quantum number and spin quantum number. However, in our new interpretation, the states can be distinguished by the orbital angular momentum quantum number 􏰀l, −􏰀(l + n − 2) only. The not squared operator σ·L enables us to unify spin into orbital angular momentum.


In the case of n ≥ 7, examples of σ matrices are given. The use of the Pauli matrices and tensor product makes it easy to find proper representations.

n = 7, 8

σ12 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ I,

σ14 =σx ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ15 =−σx ⊗σy ⊗σz, σ16 =σx ⊗σx ⊗σz, σ45 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ I,

σ17 = −σx ⊗ I ⊗ σy, σ47 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σx, σ18 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ σx, σ48 =I⊗σz ⊗σy, σ78 =I⊗I⊗σz

σ13=−σy⊗I⊗I, σ24 =σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ25 =−σy ⊗σy ⊗σz, σ26=σy⊗σx⊗σz, σ46=I⊗σy⊗I, σ27=−σy⊗I⊗σy, σ57=−I⊗σy⊗σx, σ28=σy⊗I⊗σx, σ58=−I⊗σy⊗σy,

σ23 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ I

σ34 = σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σz σ35 = −σz ⊗σy ⊗σz σ36=σz⊗σx⊗σz σ56=I⊗σz⊗I

σ37 =−σz ⊗I⊗σy σ67=I⊗σx⊗σx σ38=σz⊗I⊗σx σ68=I⊗σx⊗σy


n = 9, 10

σ12 =σz ⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ14 =σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ15 =−σx ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ16 =σx ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ45 =I⊗σx ⊗I⊗I,

σ17 =−σx ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz, σ47 =I⊗σz ⊗σx ⊗I, σ18 =σx ⊗I⊗σx ⊗σz, σ48 =I⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I, σ19 =−σx ⊗I⊗I⊗σy, σ49 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ110 =σx ⊗I⊗I⊗σx, σ410 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σy, σ78 =I⊗I⊗σz ⊗I, σ710 =−I⊗I⊗y⊗y,

n = 11,12

σ12 =σz ⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ14 =σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ15 =−σx ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ16 =σx ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ45 =I⊗σx ⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ17 =−σx ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ47 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σx ⊗ I ⊗ I,

σ18 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz , σ48 =I⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I⊗I,

σ19 = −σx ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σz , σ49 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σx ⊗ I,

σ 1 10 = σ x ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σ x ⊗ σ z , σ410 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I,

σ 1 11 = − σ x ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σ y , σ411 = I ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σx, σ112 = σx ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx, σ412 =I⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σy, σ78 = I ⊗ I ⊗ σz ⊗ I ⊗ I,

σ710 =−I⊗I⊗σy ⊗σy ⊗I, σ711 =−I⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ712=−I⊗I⊗σy⊗σz⊗σy, σ1011 = I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σx,

σ13 =−σy ⊗I⊗I⊗I, σ24 =σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ25 =−σy ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ26 =σy ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ46 =I⊗σy ⊗I⊗I,

σ27 =−σy ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz, σ57 =−I⊗σy ⊗σx ⊗I, σ28 =σy ⊗I⊗σx ⊗σz, σ58 =−I⊗σy ⊗σy ⊗I, σ29 =−σy ⊗I⊗I⊗σy, σ59 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ210 =σy ⊗I⊗I⊗σx, σ510 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σy, σ79 =−I⊗I⊗σy ⊗σx, σ810 =I⊗I⊗σx ⊗σy,

σ13 =−σy ⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ24 =σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ25 =−σy ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ26 =σy ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ46 =I⊗σy ⊗I⊗I⊗I,

σ27 =−σy ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz, σ57=−I⊗σy⊗σx⊗I⊗I, σ28=σy⊗I⊗σx⊗σz⊗σz, σ58=−I⊗σy⊗σy⊗I⊗I, σ29=−σy⊗I⊗I⊗σy⊗σz, σ59=−I⊗σy⊗σz⊗σx⊗I, σ210=σy⊗I⊗I⊗σx⊗σz, σ510 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σy ⊗I, σ211=−σy⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗σy, σ511 =−I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σx, σ212=σy⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗σx, σ512=−I⊗σy⊗σz⊗σz⊗σy, σ79=−I⊗I⊗σy⊗σx⊗I, σ810=I⊗I⊗σx⊗σy⊗I, σ811=I⊗I⊗σx⊗σz⊗σx, σ812=I⊗I⊗σx⊗σz⊗σy, σ1012=I⊗I⊗I⊗σx⊗σy,

σ23 =σx ⊗I⊗I⊗I

σ34 =σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ35 =−σz ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz σ36 =σz ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz σ56 =I⊗σz ⊗I⊗I

σ37 =−σz ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz σ67 =I⊗σx ⊗σx ⊗I

σ38 =σz ⊗I⊗σx ⊗σz σ68 =I⊗σx ⊗σy ⊗I

σ39 =−σz ⊗I⊗I⊗σy σ69 =I⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σx σ310 =σz ⊗I⊗I⊗σx σ610 =I⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σy σ89 =I⊗I⊗σx ⊗σx σ910 =I⊗I⊗I⊗σz

σ23 =σx ⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗I

σ34 =σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ35 =−σz ⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ36 =σz ⊗σx ⊗σz ⊗σz ⊗σz σ56 =I⊗σz ⊗I⊗I⊗I

σ37 =−σz ⊗I⊗σy ⊗σz ⊗σz σ67 =I⊗σx ⊗σx ⊗I⊗I

σ38 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz σ68 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σy ⊗ I ⊗ I

σ39 = −σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σz σ69 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σx ⊗ I σ310 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz σ610 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σy ⊗ I σ311 = −σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy σ611 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σx σ312 = σz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σx

σ612 = I ⊗ σx ⊗ σz ⊗ σz ⊗ σy σ89 =I⊗I⊗σx ⊗σx ⊗I

σ910 = I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σz ⊗ I

σ911 = −I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σx σ912 = −I ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ σy ⊗ σy σ1112 =I⊗I⊗I⊗I⊗σz




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