Electromagnetic Wave
Electromagnetic waves (電磁波, denjiha), are waves of particles called photons.
They are classified according to their wavelength range, and light (visible light) that can be seen by humans is also a part of electromagnetic waves.
The longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency and the lower the energy per photon.
The speed at which electromagnetic waves travel (the speed of light) is about 300,000 km/second in a vacuum, which is very fast. The speed of light slows down in matter, and the degree of this slowness depends on the wavelength.
Radio Wave
Electromagnetic wave with the longest wavelength. Used for communication. Divided into ultra-long wave, long wave, medium wave, short wave, and ultrashort wave according to frequency.
Energy Wave Electricity Magnet
Beam Radiation Space Star Sun Nuclear
Kamen Rider Ixa: Has a technique to attack opponents with electromagnetic waves.