Mariana Kretzulesco
Voice Actor: Tara Strong (EN), Yuki Uchiyama (JP)
Number: 004
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Alias: The Queen of Rage
Size: 162cm
Weight: ???
Homeland: Romania
Assignment: Transylvania
Hobby: Fashion
Weapon: Beautiful Whip
Mariana Kretzulesco, as Wonder-Pink, is the fourth found member of the Wonderful 100 and attendant of the Transylvania field office from the CENTINELS Planetary Secret Service. Because of her tendency to be an Olympic gymnast during her high school life, Pink is the most flexible out of the seven main Wonderful Ones. Aside from her atractiveness and agility, she is known to have anger issues, hence she is given the title The Queen of Rage. Similar to Eliot Hooker (Wonder-Blue), her temper does boost up when she has a hard time with Jean-Sébastien Renault (Wonder-Green); they seem to make a comedic trio when Green is around teasing either Pink or Blue.
Despite her temper and her flirtatious attitude, Pink serves as a maternal/sorority figure towards small children. This side of her personality connects to the rumors that Pink's younger brother was kidnapped by aliens (presumably GEATHJERK aliens)