Splatsville, known in Japan as Bankara City (バンカラ街, Bankara-gai) the new location where Splatoon 3 takes place.
It seems to be a densely populated area that has existed for a long time, with buildings from various eras crammed together, somewhat reminiscent of the Kowloon Walled City.
This town, far away from Inkopolis, has seen rapid development since the final festival a year and a half ago. The opening of the Hammerhead Bridge, which was under construction in the previous two games, has made it possible to travel to and from the Splatlands region.
The word bankara (バンカラ) meaning rough-and-tumble, an antithesis to haikara (ハイカラ), a word from the Meiji-era made meant as the opposite of Inkopolis' Japanese name having high collar (ハイカラ). It is also a portmanteau of bunker (バンカー) and color (カラー) with city (街).