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Tsaritsa, true Archon name and her corresponding ideal yet unknown, is the Cryo Archon and one of The Seven who presides over Snezhnaya.


Rarity5 Star
AffiliationSnezhnaya, The Seven, Fatui
Voice Actresses?>(English),?> (?) (Japanese)


Tsaritsa, true Archon name and her corresponding ideal yet unknown, is the Cryo Archon and one of The Seven who presides over Snezhnaya.

With supreme rule over Snezhnaya, she uses her loyal followers in the Fatui to manipulate and intimidate the other nations of Teyvat. She is targeting the other Archons' Gnoses for reasons unknown, though it likely relates to her goal of "burning away the old world."

The Tsaritsa also has the ability to grant her subjects a power separate from Visions, called Delusions. Fatui Cicin Mages, Pyro Agents, and Mirror Maidens use one in battle, and it is said that all Eleven Fatui Harbingers possess one as well.

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