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Wicked (あざとい) is to be shrewd, cunning, and devious in one's ways. It can be a negative or positive meaning.


Wicked (あざとい, azatoi) is generally seen as a negative impression, but when it comes to English slang it can mean something positive. So it really fits with this Japanese word, this article will be talking about the meaning of the Japanese term.

In recent years, otaku terminology on the Internet, including pixiv, has been to jump into the trap of works and characters that incorporate moe or fetishistic elements such as cat ears, girl with glasses, looking up, sitting flat on the floor, screw-ups, and many others, even though they know that's what they're going for. It is also used in the sense of admiration when one jumps into the trap and enjoys the experience of the trap, even though one knows that this is the aim. (It can also be used in a negative sense, such as "it's obvious what they're trying to do and it's not funny," or "they're too flirtatious and bitchy").

The following elements applied on such character as follows:

and many more.

The major point of using this tag is to know when the other moe factors are applied into the characters or works without notice. Which means, it may or may not be done intentionally to attract the viewers beforehand, but due to all the factors mentioned applied into it, it turned into a sort of "trap" that allow the users to use this tag, effectively praising it.

Please be sure to understand the true meaning behind this tag beforehand before judging whether such illustrations deserved this tag or not.

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