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2022-12-19 05:32:25 バージョン%


Liyue is one of the seven nations in Teyvat. It is the city-state that worships Morax, the Geo Archon.

*****"The God of Contracts, senselessly slaughtered as his people watched on in horror. In the end, he will sign the contract to end all contracts."*****

*****-Dainsleif (Genshin Impact)*****


Liyue (Chinese: 璃月 Líyuè) is one of the seven regions in Teyvat. It is the city-state that worships Rex Lapis, the Geo Archon.

A bountiful harbor that lies in the east of Teyvat. Mountains stand tall and proud alongside the stone forest, that, together with the open plains and lively rivers, make up Liyue's bountiful landscape, which shows its unique beauty through each of the four seasons. Just how many gifts from the Geo God lie in wait amongst the rocks of Liyue's mountains?



  • Bishui Plain
  • Lisha
  • Minlin
  • Qiongji Estuary
  • Sea of Clouds
  • The Chasm
  • The Chasm: Underground Mines


Liyue Harbor

The establishment of the harbor kicked off Liyue's seafaring trade. As Teyvat's largest market harbor, the sheer amount of goods that flow to and from it is simply incomparable for other ports.

Every year, during the Lantern Rite, thousands of lanterns can be seen ascending into the night sky — a Liyue event that one can not afford to miss.

Mt. Tianheng

The pride of the mountain range that shelters Liyue Harbor from the west, acting as a natural shield against any enemies that may come that way.

There are uncountable records of wars both big and small whereby enemies have been blocked by this barrier. As such, ancient ruins of city walls, forts, and defensive structures can still be seen.

Liyue's earliest mining operations are also believed to have started in this area.

Dihua Marsh

A wetland area in the north of Liyue, gets its name from the silvergrass (dihua in the local language) that grows in the shallows of the marsh.

The scrambling web of rivers has grown into a flourishing and widespread ecosystem full of flora and fauna — an awe-inspiring sight for travelers to the area.

The area also acts as the road from Mondstadt to Liyue; as such, many merchant caravans choose to stop here to rest. Wangshu Inn stands within the area, a symbolic structure from all directions.

Wangshu Inn

A landmark within Dihua Marsh, built upon a massive stone pillar.

As most of the patrons that stop here are traveling merchants, the inn provides an area for them to trade and set up stalls. The view from the top of the inn is jaw-dropping — weather permitting, one can see all the way to Mt. Qingce and Jueyun Karst in the distance.

Legend amongst the stalls says that the tower of the inn hides a mysterious secret, but that is as far as the legend goes, as no one has ever been able to verify these claims.

Qingce Village

At the northernmost point of Liyue, hidden between the hills and the bamboo forests, sits Qingce Village.

Rolling white clouds that sit in the valleys between the mountains are embellished with row upon row of crescent-moon water paddies.

When the wind blows, the ripples in the water give off an array of colors.

Huaguang Stone Forest

Dizzying peaks that sit shrouded in mist and clouds in the northwest of Liyue.

The area hides many stunning views, but owing to tracks found on the complex paths leading up the peaks, a legend has formed that the hidden home of the adepti lies somewhere in the area. Though, another factor may simply be the hopes of those that seek blessings from the adepti.

Given the dangers within, the area is not suitable for outsiders and is best viewed from afar at Wangshu Inn.

Qiaoying Village

A village in north-west Liyue that specializes in tea production.

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