Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School is the most prestigious school in Japan, with nearly 100% of students entering their desired university and finding jobs. Students can use the most modern facilities and are granted a number of points worth 100,000 yen each month. Because this is a school that promotes merit, where only excellent students are treated well.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - the main character of this series, is a quiet and smart boy. In the entrance exam, he did poorly on the entrance exam and then was placed in the bottom class D - a place reserved for the school's poorest students. He meets Suzune Horikita - a beautiful girl who studies well but has an arrogant personality, and Kikyou Kushida - a gentle and kind girl.
Original novel TV commercial
Original novel TV commercial 2
CM decided to be animated
Trailer Season 1
Trailer Season 2
Trailer Season 3