All humans are nothing but tools. The process doesn't matter. I don't care what the sacrifices are. In this world, "winning" is everything.
As long as I win in the end, that’s fine.
Student Number | S01T004651 |
Gender | Male |
Birthday | October 20th |
Height | 176 cm |
Academic Ability | C (51) |
Physical Ability | C+ (60) |
Quick Thinking | D+ (37) |
Social Contribution | C+ (60) |
Overall | C (51) |
Voice Actor | Shouya Chiba |
The main character of this series. A male student who belongs to the 1st year D class at Advanced Nurturing High School. Although he has no outstanding characteristics and is considered by those around him to be a student of average ability, he actually has extremely high intelligence and physical ability, and his purpose is to live a calm life as a normal high school student. He hides his abilities because of this.
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