MUGEN Derivative Work Characters
MUGEN derivative work characters (MUGEN二次創作キャラ) refers to fan made created characters used in MUGEN.
MUGEN derivative work characters (MUGEN二次創作キャラ, MUGEN nijisōsaku kyara) can refer to fan made modify creations of characters from MUGEN or other copyrighted, copyrighted derivative, original (OC), and any other characters not from the original game.
This also includes characters who are mechanized, deformed, feminized, or cloned from the characters in the original works.
Many of the Len and White Len Altered Characters and Touhou Project Altered Characters also fall under this category. However, in the fan community on Nico Nico Douga, this is considered a separate category from those that have arranged some of the sprites, such as pixels, effects, etc.
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