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Satori (覚, さとり, サトリ) is a youkai that reads people's minds. Satori (悟り) is also a Japanese Buddhist term for awakening. On pixiv, it mainly refers to Satori Komeiji, a character in Touhou Project.
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Satori (覚, さとり, サトリ) can refer to:

  1. A shorten Japanese term for consciousness.
  2. A mind reading monkey-like monster (youkai) from Japanese folklore.
  3. Satori Komeiji (古明地 こいし, Komeiji Koishi) → A character from Touhou Project.
  4. Espy → A character from Yo-kai Watch. Their Japanese name is Satori-chan (さとりちゃん ).
  5. Satori Tamaba (眠目 こいし, Tamaba Satori) → A character from Armed Girl's Machiavellism.
  6. Satori (サトリ) → A character from Kamen Rider Hibiki.
  7. A character from Ushio & Tora.


Satori (覚) is a youkai that has been passed down in Gifu Prefecture. It has the ability to read the minds of its victims.

It is said that it reads the minds of people in mountain huts and attacks them whenever it sees an opportunity. However, they are vulnerable to unexpected things such as whims, coincidences, and unconsciousness.

On the other hand, there is also a sense that they are useful to people.

As an aside, it has been scientifically proven that the conscious mind is vulnerable to the unconscious mind (e.g., if a person in the conscious state and a person in the unconscious state suddenly pick up a falling ball, the person in the unconscious state often gets it).

Related Articles

Satori (Buddhism) Youkai Monkey

External Links


Satori (folklore) - Wikipedia


覚 - Wikipedia

さとりとは [単語記事] - ニコニコ大百科 (NicoNico Encyclopedia)

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/ さとり / サトリ

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