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Sonic 100 Users Bookmark

A pixiv rating tag given to works based on the Sonic the Hedgehog series released by Sega with a bookmark count of 50 or more.
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Sonic 100 Users Bookmark is a pixiv tag used for illustrations and novels based on the Sonic series with or more than 50 bookmarks received.

It can be attached to works with 100 to 499 bookmarks.

The advantage of this tag is that, unlike many other rating tags, which rely heavily on the subjectivity of the tag editor, you can find works that are rated on pixiv based on a clear criterion of the number of bookmarks.

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SONICSonic and his friendsどっちが好き?ハロウィイイイイイン!!!29周年!ソニックという乗り物に慣れてないアレクソニジェネクリア記念□暗黒の騎士デザインのギターを弾くソニック☆星に願いをSonic and the Black KnightソニックまとめBlue StreakSONIC_log2Fly highメリークリスマス!遅すぎだぜ!ソニック.31st おめでとうソニックつめ③お昼グリーンヒルケーキ!21周年!PAPAPAっぱ!しっぽ出ちゃった!スマブラのソニックのモーションカップヌードル自販機音速の青いハリネズミスパゴニアHallow, my loveざざざソニックらくがきつめ全員集合できませんでしたソニック[詰め合わせ]その14EGGMANLANDソニックlogまたおまえかツイログまとめ8センシティブな作品Super Final Color Blaster!エンジェルアイランド4

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