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Talk:Hetalia: Axis Powers

Comment(s) for the Hetalia: Axis Powers article

Hetalia: Axis Powers is the full name of the tag used in the anime and manga series, Hetalia.


榊の龍 2011-06-08 01:32:44
Thank you for your understanding. I have absolutely no move me emotionally. Pixiv User wish to keep good relations with each other for.
いるな 2011-06-07 14:02:37
I'm sorry, while this might offend you, I think it would be better if we speak in Japanese instead? こちらも勝手に記事を引き戻すことですみませんでした。確かにピクシブでは”ヘタリア: Axis Power” というタグ名を使いことではなく、ほとんど”ヘタリア”のタグを使っていますので、”ヘタリア”で書き込んだほうがいいと思います。 そうすると、ちょっと私はこれから記事の内容を変換して書き直しますので、よろしければその方向に行きましょうか。
榊の龍 2011-06-07 13:52:44
That large-scale editing articles without permission, I'm sorry. But Japanese and English versions of the same pixpedia all the case. Each language version of Wikipedia content and expression is different too. "Hetalia: Axis Powers" in the official name, pixiv in "Hetalia" a lot of tags should know. I think on the "Hetalia: ~" edited articles. Please understand that point.
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