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Version history of Sailor Moon

2022-07-28 11:56:00 バージョン%

Sailor Moon

The main character of the Sailor Moon series. This is Usagi Tsukino as a Sailor Scout.


Sailor Moon (セーラームーン, Sērā Mūn) s the guardian of the Silver Crystal and the Sailor Guardian of Love and Justice with the moon as her guardian.

Sailor Moon's attack names center around the moon, love, mystery and light. She starts out as a frightened, reluctant girl, and others often have to bail her out, but Usagi gradually comes to accept her full identity. She eventually becomes the strongest and most powerful Guardian in the galaxy, but her capacity for caring about other people is frequently shown to be much stronger and more powerful still.

She met other certain characters from the main cast in the Moon Kingdom, and eventually she became aware that Mamoru used to be known as Prince Endymion.

Related Articles

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External Links

Sailor Moon (character) - Wikipedia

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