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2023-01-06 23:30:41 バージョン%


Yelan is a playable Hydro character in Genshin Impact.


Rarity5 Star
Constel­lationUmbrabilis Orchis
BirthdayApril 20th
Height5'5" / 166cm
Special DishDew-Dipped Shrimp
How to obtainEvent Wish - Discerner of Enigmas
AffiliationLiyue, Yanshang Teahouse, Ministry of Civil Affairs
Release DateMay 31, 2022
CVLaura Post (EN), Aya Endou 遠藤綾(JP)


Yelan is a 5-star playable Bow Hydro character in Genshin Impact.

She is a mysterious person who claims to work for the Ministry of Civil Affairs, but comes out as a non-entity on their list. She also claims to work for the Yanshang Teahouse, but only uses it for her true job, an intelligence agent collaborating with Ningguang.


Yelan is said to be quite secretive and mysterious; while claiming to work for the Ministry of Civil Affairs, she's frequently absent from work most of the year. Despite this, Ningguang tolerates her general absence while Keqing appreciates her work, although the latter wonders as to where she gets her intelligence from. She employs psychological tactics to catch her targets and get all the information she needs from them.


Outside of work, Yelan approaches life at a calm and carefree pace. She frequently enjoys napping whenever possible, but will adjust her schedule as needed for the day's tasks. When handling particularly troublesome cases, she tries to save up her energy to complete everything in a single go.


In the presence of others, she is said to be very pleasant and polite. When alone, she's said to show a far different side of her as an extremely reliable, powerful and intelligent woman. She also has a high tolerance for spice, eating raw or dried Jueyun Chilis after deeming Xiangling's spiciest dish not enough for her. She dislikes sweets, claiming that they're too easy to get addicted to and disrupts focus.

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Character Mentions


She's a very interesting character. I can say with the utmost confidence that she is someone I trust unreservedly. She handles herself impeccably, which means she stays beyond reproach. Hehe, since you both have high intelligence in common, hopefully you will get along very well.



Yelan is an employee of the Ministry of Civil Affairs — she once helped me crack a tough accounting fraud case. I treated her to dinner afterward. The only thing is... I feel like she's able to read my mind at any given moment when talking to her... Yes, in the future, I need to make absolutely sure I don't get on the wrong side of her.

Gambler vs Lawyerセンシティブな作品

Xingqiu (Genshin Impact)

Have you heard the expression "same person, different face"? Ms. Yelan gives me precisely this feeling. When she came to visit my family, my father and brother treated her with respect, and she was pleasant and polite in return. She seemed like a kind and mature young lady to me. But when I saw her elsewhere, she gave a completely different impression.



I met her once, back when I'd just become an exorcist. I'd taken a commission to perform an exorcism in someone's home, and was just leaving at the end when I ran into her. She wrote my name down in a booklet — I guess she just wanted to confirm I wasn't doing anything suspicious... Anyway, it was just that one time, I never saw her again after that.

Now that I think about it, it's probably because the sight of me meditating motionless must be pretty boring to watch. Not exactly suspicious.

Ganyu (Genshin Impact)

Even though Ms. Yelan is absent from work for the majority of the year, I'm sure Lady Ningguang must have her reasons for making exceptions for her. Of course, it wouldn't be my place to ask, so I don't know the details of their arrangement. I remember seeing her one day on my way back to Yuehai Pavilion, she was having breakfast with a group of people — they were all talking and laughing, eating, drinking tea... I must admit, I found myself feeling a little envious in that moment.


Ms. Yelan's ancestors used to serve the Qixing. My grandfather and her family have had academic collaborations in the past. All in all, she's reliable, efficient, and provides important intel to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. I can't say for sure how Ms. Yelan actually gets her intel, however...

명예 한국인


Yelan? Of course, I remember her! When I first met her, I was certain she'd be the kind of gal who'd prefer lighter dishes... turned out that she can handle the most spice out of all my customers! Apparently, my dishes weren't spicy enough for her, because she started taking bites of raw Jueyun Chilis! Truly amazing.

Xiao (Genshin Impact)

I've heard that she once investigated The Chasm, following the trail of the Millelith. If she can investigate mysteries like that on her own, she must be someone of rare skill.

(P/s: You don't see Shenhe mention Yelan right? I really wanted to include the illustrations of Shenhe and Yelan, but the fact that these two characters don't know each other is only due to Genshin Impact fan coupling, so I can't include the illustrations of these two characters)

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