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Shenhe is a playable Cryo character in Genshin Impact.

For all the training I've had — honing my body and mind, learning the adepti arts — I've mostly been guided by my own instincts. It just comes down to self-preservation. I'm not trying to save the world, so if I wipe out some evil presence and it happens to benefit you, don't thank me. It's just a force of habit.


Rarity5 ★
ConstellationCrista Doloris
BirthdayMarch 10th
Special DishHeartstring Noodles
RelationshipChongyun (Nephew)
How to ObtainEvent Wish - The Transcendent One Returns
AffiliationCloud Retainer's Abode, Adepti (disciple), Wanmin Restaurant
Release DateJanuary 05th, 2022
Voice ActressChelsea Kwoka (English), Ayako Kawasumi (Japanese)


The daughter of an unnamed exorcist couple, Shenhe was taken in and raised by Cloud Retainer as a disciple following a traumatic incident instigated by Shenhe's father during her childhood.

Originally part of an exorcist clan, Shenhe originally had a happy life as a child until her father attempted to sacrifice her to a malevolent god in order to bring back his wife. While Shenhe managed to defeat the remnants of the god herself, the incident scarred her for life, believing herself to be a "cursed" child and began growing a homicidal tendency. Despite the adepti's attempts to contain it, they have only done so by binding her soul with Red Ropes, which has also caused her to become mostly indifferent.

Even with the red ropes suppressing her homicidial tendencies, Shenhe often contemplates the most violent means to eliminate others and is almost always easy to anger, obliterating her surroundings whenever her emotions get the best of her. She throws hostile looks at Xingqiu, believing him to be threatening others. Despite this, Shenhe ultimately wishes to fit in human society and places great trust in the Traveler. She prefers speaking with a small numbers of people at a time.

As a result of living with the adepti, many of her fellow people worship her as one of them, something which deeply troubles her despite stating that she is just an adepti's disciple. Due to having a limited diet in the mountains, Shenhe is used to eating plenty of herbs despite clearly despising their taste.


  • Normal Attack: Dawnstar Piercer
  1. Normal Attack: Performs up to 5 consecutive spear strikes.
  2. Charged Attack: Consumes Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to enemies along the way.
  3. Plunging Attack: Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging enemies along the path and dealing AoE Damage upon impact.
  • Elemental Skill: Spring Spirit Summoning





My will embodied!

Take your true form!

Grants all nearby party members the Icy Quill effect and deals Cryo Damage in different ways based on whether it is Pressed/Tapped or held.


Rushes forward together with a Talisman Spirit, dealing Cryo Damage to enemies along the path.


Commands the Talisman Spirit to deal AoE Cryo Damage.

Icy Quill

When Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts deal Cryo Damage to enemies, the Damage dealt is increased based on Shenhe's current ATK.

The Icy Quill's effects will be cleared once its duration ends or after being triggered a certain number of times.

When held rather than Pressed/Tapped, the Icy Quill's effect lasts longer and can be triggered more times.

When one Cryo Damage instance strikes multiple enemies, the effect is triggered multiple times based on the number of enemies hit. The number of times the effect is triggered is calculated independently for each party member with the Icy Quill.

  • Elemental Burst: Divine Maiden's Deliverance

By ordinance divine!

Cryo incarnate!

Do your master's bidding!

Unleashes the power of the Talisman Spirit, allowing it to roam free in this plane, dealing AoE Cryo Damage.

The Talisman Spirit then creates a field that decreases the Cryo Resistance and Physical Resistance of enemies within it. It also deals periodic Cryo Damage to enemies within the field.

  • 1st Ascension Passive: Deific Embrace

An active character within the field created by Elemental Burst: Divine Maiden's Deliverance gains 15% Cryo Damage Bonus.

  • 4th Ascension Passive: Spirit Communion Seal

After Shenhe uses Elemental Skill: Spring Spirit Summoning, she will grant all nearby party members the following effects:

  1. Press/Tap: Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst Damage increased by 15% for 10 seconds.
  2. Hold: Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack Damage increased by 15% for 15 seconds.
  • Utility Passive: Precise Comings and Goings

Gains 25% more rewards when dispatched on a Liyue Expedition for 20 hours.


1Clarity of HeartElemental Skill: Spring Spirit Summoning can be used 1 more time.
2Centered SpiritElemental Burst: Divine Maiden's Deliverance lasts for 6 seconds longer. Active characters within the skill's field deal 15% increased Cryo Critical Damage.
3SeclusionIncreases the Level of Elemental Skill: Spring Spirit Summoning by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
4InsightWhen characters under the effect of Icy Quill applied by Shenhe triggers its Damage Bonus effects, Shenhe will gain a Skyfrost Mantra stack:
  1. When Shenhe uses Elemental Skill: Spring Spirit Summoning, she will consume all stacks of Skyfrost Mantra, increasing the Damage of that Elemental Skill: Spring Spirit Summoning by 5% for each stack consumed.
  2. Max 50 stacks. Stacks last for 60 seconds.
5Divine AttainmentIncreases the Level of Elemental Burst: Divine Maiden's Deliverance by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
6Mystical AbandonWhen characters trigger Icy Quill's effects using Normal and Charged Attack Damage, it does not count toward the Trigger Quota.

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About Other Characters

This part is about what Shenhe thinks about the other characters in Genshin Impact.

The last time Master and Shuyu came to dine at Wanmin Restaurant, I noticed that Shuyu seemed to have adopted a number of Master's mannerisms. It gave me pause for thought... I grew up under Master's care, too. Is it possible that I have subconsciously picked up a thing or two from her as well...?

I've heard many stories about her from my master. She's really quite different from how I originally imagined her... But don't worry, I'll be keeping this to myself. Speaking of Ganyu, her work in Liyue Harbor is unbelievably busy... It seems that there is a price to pay for those who want to integrate into the mortal world.

It's hard for me to believe that... I still have living relatives in this world. If he has any difficulties with his training, I am more than willing to help enlighten him. However, he will need to meet me alone in the mountains. Their family is too... sociable. I wouldn't know how to turn down their invitations without being impolite.

Yun Jin performs... It's called "Liyue opera," isn't it? I like this particular type of social interaction. You can get to know about the other person's background without having to actually interact with them one on one. If she ever includes your story in one of her performances, I'm sure the result will end up being quite incredible. I'm looking forward to it.

I've seen him lean over to you and whisper things in your ear. If he dares threaten you, I will make sure he... Hmm? You mean it's just an in-joke between friends? Genuinely...?

I often see her wandering in the woods singing strange songs. Actually, I must have heard all of her songs several times each by now. I'm used to her singing, but I still find it strange. That being said, I don't hate it either.

I have no use for the wealth that ordinary people desire. But in the hands of Lady Ningguang, wealth becomes a means of solving complex issues of the kind that no weapons could ever hope to resolve. She understands the unwritten rules of human society, she knows what's in people's hearts... Master once told me that even the adepti aren't able to achieve this. I hold her and her work in high regard.


I find I don't need to worry about etiquette with her, and unlike with some people, I don't need to rely on non-verbal cues to discern the true meaning of what she's saying. That makes me a lot more comfortable. The only problem is... Well, there are too many people around her all the time, and I heard there's also many crew members on her ship... I need you to go with me. It's the only way I can cope with so many people.

That gentleman claims to be a mortal, yet is very familiar with my master, who is an adeptus. Master once said: "If you see him drinking on a stone stool in front of my abode, do not disturb him. Let him sit quietly for a while." And that's precisely what I did.

My first impression of him was that he's not one to smile. After meeting him again more recently, however, he's still as reserved as ever, but... he seems a lot more relaxed now. Maybe he... met someone special.

The quality of his medicinal herbs is as good as it gets, he is also easy-going and considerate of others. By comparison, the little snake on his neck has no filter at all... Haha, don't worry, I didn't lift a finger against it, I won't go as far as getting into a quarrel with a snake.

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