2017/07/12 21:03 版I dont think there is problem for this photo,if you see the 編集 record,this photo maintain its profile one year long,it became a problem since one man used another profile who hate sport jacketonly.
2017/01/30 23:52 版メインイラストの差し戻し。↓のユーザーは各所(特にけいおん・アイマス等)でメイン画像をジャージを着ているものに限定して差し替えるという荒らし行為を繰り返しているユーザーです。通報にご協力ください。
2015/05/06 20:11 版the main point is the image have not changed for long time ago,no matter wha tkind of image i have choosen,he also will change the image,e.g schoolsuit,jersey or 私服.