The origin of the moniker Toshiaki (としあき, Toshiaki) comes from an incident in the early days of Nijiura. Like 4chan, both boards by default list no name, and most users don't list one (instead opting for the tag of nameless (名無し, nanashi). In these early days, a particularly insistent, trollish user harassed the users into copying his name, Toshiaki. This sparked the operators into changing the default name to Toshiaki (prior there was no default name, resulting in the nameless moniker being posted by default). Over time, however, some boards removed this tag and the nameless tag entirely, resulting in all anons being listed as 「」. Toshiaki, though originally just the name for a random anon, eventually turned into the user character of the OS-tans and Nijiura Maids. The "-aki" is actually a suffix, and has been attached to others, such as Me-aki, the credited creator of Me-tan, the first OS-tan.
Toshiaki the character is generally depicted as a college-age man with shaggy, short brown hair.
He may or may not be depicted with eyes, and sometimes is depicted with glasses.
He lives alone in an apartment (apart from sharing his space with his maids), and not much is known or described about him. he is generally patient with his OS maids, willing to forgive the freezes or crashes of Me-tan without much frustration. It has been hinted that he likes women that wear glasses.