Zavok (ザボック) is an antagonist from the Sonic the Hedgehog series and leader of the Deadly Six.
Zavok (ザボック, Zabokku) is the leader of the Zeti team the Deadly Six. He first appeared in Sonic Lost World. He was sealed up in some way, but was released when Dr. Eggman found him with a conch shell for control.
Because of the conch, he was forced to obey Dr. Eggman at all times, but when Sonic kicked the conch away, he was set free.
And while he was under Dr. Eggman's command, he understood his technological capabilities and plans and wanted to become a higher being by acquiring the life energy of Sonic's world.
Sonic Lost World Sonic Series Sonic (Game) Ogre
Bowser - The two have a lot in common.
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