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Version history of Tracey Cormack

2013-06-27 05:46:08 バージョン%

Tracey Cormack

Tracey Cormack is a character from the game "Gloria Union".


AgeUndisclosed (Over 18)
First-Person PronounWatashi (私)
Primary CardTrickster, Medusa Eye

She is voiced by Eri Gouda.


The woman who leads the "Leverage Merchants". She is called The Inventor, and is a practitioner of alchemy. She has blond hair worn in a sidetail, and has heterochromia. Flat-chested.

As a merchant, she uses her alchemy and such to create the works that she sells (rather than obtaining wares from other places and selling them). She has a complex past with Pinger, who despises her. Additionally, she and Anne Cormack are sisters; Tracey is the elder.

Before she became a merchant she worked as a doctor, and learned alchemy in order to develop medicines to save people. But for certain reasons, her reasons for using her power became twisted, and Tracey herself went insane.

She is capable of handling multiple cards due to her alchemy, and this has affected the color of her eyes.

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Gloria Union

Pinger Anne Cormack

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