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95-tan (2kたん) is the personification of Windows 95.
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NicknamesWin95, 95-neesama, Chicago
First Appearance1995/11/23 (Release date of Windows 95 in Japan)
System PersonifiedWindows 95

95-tan (2kたん, 95-tan) is the personification of Windows 95. She is the daughter of Midorikawa and 3.1-tan and sister of 95-kun, but is sometimes mistaken for a married couple. She has been using a Japanese sword called Ringo Kiri (林檎斬り, Ringo Kiri) as her weapon since the OS War.


Since the first design was not well received, it was changed from a collage of a bag of tochiotome to the current figure of a beautiful woman in kimono.

95-tan is depicted as a traditional lady from the early modern era of Japan. This is much due to her status as an older version of modern Windows. She is a gentle-looking brown haired woman in a kimono, with a hair ribbon showing the four Windows colors. The pattern of her kimono is based on the file hana256.bmp, which was used as a desktop wallpaper pattern in the Japanese version of Windows.

Her costume is a traditional kimono and a hakama of Japan, and she wears thick sandals, geta on her feet. These are women's college student's typical clothes as seen in the earliest period during the course of the modernization in Japan (from the Meiji period to the Taisho period), and the cultural background for the comparison of the modernization of Windows to modernization of Japan is seen there.


95-tan's most common activities are drinking tea, serving meals or doing other housework. One recurring theme is her unfamiliarity with newer, post Win-95 technologies, such as USB devices and broadband internet connections. While appearing to be one of the more stable OS-tans, she is also often depicted wielding a katana in an aggressive manner, usually toward the Mac-tans, but also when disciplining troublemakers within her own family. This symbolizes the fact that it was her generation of operating systems that Microsoft finally achieved full dominance of the personal computer market.

She and 7.5-tan are bitter enemies, and although they have calmed down somewhat, the air is still slightly tense when they are together. She chastises the little OSX-kun who comes over to misbehave. 95-tan still doesn't take it easy on the apple people, such as cutting off Tiger of the Tiger Brothers who called her an old lady.

She insisted that she was 14 years old 14 years after the release of the product, which made bTensai-san, who came to play with her, swoon.

She and Kiri-san are known as the Thirty Pair.

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Related Articles

OS-tan Me-tan 2k-tan

List of OS-tan Characters

External Links


Windows 95 - OS-Tan Collections Wiki

Windows 95 - OS-Tans.moe Wiki


95姐さん - ふたば★二次裏@wiki - atwiki(アットウィキ)

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