Sakura Wars (サクラ大戦, Sakura Taisen) is overall a Japanese cross-genre video game series created by Oji Hiroi and owned as well as publish by Sega. The game is set in Tokyo, Paris, and New York in the Taisho Era, which was inspired by the Taisho Era of the 1920s and the style of the steampunk genre.
Basically, it is a dating sim, but it is also a strategic simulation game in which the main characters and the main heroine fight together in a co-realistic armor from outside treats.
The game has a system in which the choices you make in the conversation part affect your liking for the main character, which in turn affects your fighting ability in the battle part.
Organizations | Imperial Combat Revue Imperial Revue Flower Division Star Division Fleur Division European Star Division Anti-Kouma Squad |
Spiricle Armor | Koubu Jinbu Koubu Kai Koubu F2 Tenbu |
サクラ大戦.com | セガ公式ポータルサイト (Official Website)
サクラ大戦とは (サクラタイセンとは) [単語記事] - ニコニコ大百科 (NicoNico Encyclopedia)